By Dan
#7017 I specified that I didn't need anything from the F3. I made my speech, like I am allowed to. I said Tammy was perceived as a follower, which she is. I said Heidi was an ass to Sugar, which she was. It was their choice to respond and make themselves look like what they are. No one forced them to.
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By Val
Dan wrote:I specified that I didn't need anything from the F3. I made my speech, like I am allowed to. I said Tammy was perceived as a follower, which she is. I said Heidi was an ass to Sugar, which she was. It was their choice to respond and make themselves look like what they are. No one forced them to.

I don't care about what you did. You did fine. You're allowed to be pompous and w/e, but it's not even like an discussion with you because there are no realities other than your own and it comes across as clear as day. We're talking in the discussion room and I think you two are being circle jerking twats about opinions in this game, isn't that fair game in this room?
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By Rocky
#7022 Just got out if the gym how's the prey lookin out there
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By Dan
Val wrote:
Dan wrote:I specified that I didn't need anything from the F3. I made my speech, like I am allowed to. I said Tammy was perceived as a follower, which she is. I said Heidi was an ass to Sugar, which she was. It was their choice to respond and make themselves look like what they are. No one forced them to.

I don't care about what you did. You did fine. You're allowed to be pompous and w/e, but it's not even like an discussion with you because there are no realities other than your own and it comes across as clear as day. We're talking in the discussion room and I think you two are being circle jerking twats about opinions in this game, isn't that fair game in this room?

If that's your opinion then that's fine, just don't tell me I can't have my say on how bad/good someone's performance is.
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By Richard
#7024 Ok I am really fucking tired of you two- Dan and Drew- acting like you own the place. You're acting like you are running this jury house but everyone has their own opinions on the winner. Just because the "vote is clear" to you guys doesn't mean it's clear to everyone else. Stop being assholes. You're not changing anyone's vote
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By Dan
Rocky wrote:Just got out if the gym how's the prey lookin out there

looking good brudda. i'm treating us to some rubs in thailand after this
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By Val
Dan wrote:
Val wrote:
Dan wrote:I specified that I didn't need anything from the F3. I made my speech, like I am allowed to. I said Tammy was perceived as a follower, which she is. I said Heidi was an ass to Sugar, which she was. It was their choice to respond and make themselves look like what they are. No one forced them to.

I don't care about what you did. You did fine. You're allowed to be pompous and w/e, but it's not even like an discussion with you because there are no realities other than your own and it comes across as clear as day. We're talking in the discussion room and I think you two are being circle jerking twats about opinions in this game, isn't that fair game in this room?

If that's your opinion then that's fine, just don't tell me I can't have my say on how bad/good someone's performance is.

No, i never said you couldn't have an opinion, I just think it's super biased and your being thick. Which is not too different from your sentiments on me. I think this discussion is over.
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By Rocky
#7027 Poody can you hold off on my q till I get home unless you already asked it
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By Richard
Richard wrote:Ok I am really fucking tired of you two- Dan and Drew- acting like you own the place. You're acting like you are running this jury house but everyone has their own opinions on the winner. Just because the "vote is clear" to you guys doesn't mean it's clear to everyone else. Stop being assholes. You're not changing anyone's vote

This is mostly addressed at Dan, who didn't even give the players the chance to explain their game to him because he just wanted to be in the spotlight so badly.
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By Jeff Probst
#7029 Yea I've warned Drew and Dan on skype that they have both overstepped the boundaries from discussion/argument into bullying. You're allowed to have your opinions, your favorites and people you don't want to win, and you are allowed to argue for or against them... but you cannot supress everyone else's opinions. You look like asshats.
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By Dan
Richard wrote:
Richard wrote:Ok I am really fucking tired of you two- Dan and Drew- acting like you own the place. You're acting like you are running this jury house but everyone has their own opinions on the winner. Just because the "vote is clear" to you guys doesn't mean it's clear to everyone else. Stop being assholes. You're not changing anyone's vote

This is mostly addressed at Dan, who didn't even give the players the chance to explain their game to him because he just wanted to be in the spotlight so badly.

I didn't need them to explain their game, that's what their speeches and closing statements are for. And answering questions from people who badly needed answers.

Your post is awfully similar to a message I just got somewhere else. And I'll tell you the same thing I told that person, this is typical Ponderosa and I'm allowed to have my say just like you, just like Val and anyone else.

You hate Hayden and revealed as much in your chat with Dale, you shitcanned his game in Nepal and now you're trying to tell me not to try and change people's vote? icon_lol
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By Richard
Dan wrote:
Richard wrote:
Richard wrote:Ok I am really fucking tired of you two- Dan and Drew- acting like you own the place. You're acting like you are running this jury house but everyone has their own opinions on the winner. Just because the "vote is clear" to you guys doesn't mean it's clear to everyone else. Stop being assholes. You're not changing anyone's vote

This is mostly addressed at Dan, who didn't even give the players the chance to explain their game to him because he just wanted to be in the spotlight so badly.

I didn't need them to explain their game, that's what their speeches and closing statements are for. And answering questions from people who badly needed answers.

Your post is awfully similar to a message I just got somewhere else. And I'll tell you the same thing I told that person, this is typical Ponderosa and I'm allowed to have my say just like you, just like Val and anyone else.

You hate Hayden and revealed as much in your chat with Dale, you shitcanned his game in Nepal and now you're trying to tell me not to try and change people's vote? icon_lol

You're a joke, man. If you understood what I was saying then you would get that I was not really addressing you trying to convince people- obviously everyone does that, but, rather, the manner by which you do so. I am not leaning towards Hayden but I wouldn't say I hate him. I don't like him that much, but hate is a bit strong. Mainly, I just think he's fundamentally a poor player in this game. If we wanna discuss hate, you're the one I hate. Go fuck yourself. You're an arrogant loser who thinks he controls everything, when in reality you did nothing. NOTHING. So stop being a prick to everyone here. Stop trying to keep up this persona that everyone knows is nothing more than a facade to mask your insecurities.
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By Dan
#7039 Interesting perspective, Richard. Did I really do nothing in the game, really? Or is that claim supposed to upset me? You talk a good game but you don't really have much clue, in my opinion of course. Just look both ways before you cross the street.

It seems people only get upset if it's their friend who is getting negative opinions. You would not care even slightly if I was sticking up for Heidi, so pop down from your high horse, lad.
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By Drew
Richard wrote:Ok I am really fucking tired of you two- Dan and Drew- acting like you own the place. You're acting like you are running this jury house but everyone has their own opinions on the winner. Just because the "vote is clear" to you guys doesn't mean it's clear to everyone else. Stop being assholes. You're not changing anyone's vote

Man I really don't understand what exactly I've done to make you feel like that, but to each his own. I'm not in the business of changing votes. I'm outspoken, I see something, and I talk about it. If anyone feels like I've been the reason they just can't make their own decision then just don't count my vote at final tribal. But I don't think that's the case. I have an opinion, so does everyone else. I don't feel I've been overly forward about trying to push my agenda on people.
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By Richard
Drew wrote:
Richard wrote:Ok I am really fucking tired of you two- Dan and Drew- acting like you own the place. You're acting like you are running this jury house but everyone has their own opinions on the winner. Just because the "vote is clear" to you guys doesn't mean it's clear to everyone else. Stop being assholes. You're not changing anyone's vote

Man I really don't understand what exactly I've done to make you feel like that, but to each his own. I'm not in the business of changing votes. I'm outspoken, I see something, and I talk about it. If anyone feels like I've been the reason they just can't make their own decision then just don't count my vote at final tribal. But I don't think that's the case. I have an opinion, so does everyone else. I don't feel I've been overly forward about trying to push my agenda on people.

I guess mostly I see you as a duo with Dan- he is the one I really dislike. You don't bother me too much.
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By Richard
Dan wrote:Interesting perspective, Richard. Did I really do nothing in the game, really? Or is that claim supposed to upset me? You talk a good game but you don't really have much clue, in my opinion of course. Just look both ways before you cross the street.

It seems people only get upset if it's their friend who is getting negative opinions. You would not care even slightly if I was sticking up for Heidi, so pop down from your high horse, lad.

Man, empty threats all over the place. As per usual icon_lol. Actually this has bothered me for quite awhile. I'm really not all that high on any of the final 3, but I do think they all deserve respect at the very least.
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By Drew
#7048 Dan and I are friends, and I think he's an awesome guy. But in the real world, when people have problems with someone, it seems like the best thing to do is confront the person and solve the problem. I don't see why it's any different here. I've really done nothing wrong, yet seem to be a huge villain here lol. If anyone has had issues with me they've been free to express them. Since nobody does, I assume there's no issues. I don't feel like I'm too off base here. If someone has an issue with Dan, confront Dan. Just because we're pals doesn't mean we don't think differently.
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By Dan
Richard wrote:
Dan wrote:Interesting perspective, Richard. Did I really do nothing in the game, really? Or is that claim supposed to upset me? You talk a good game but you don't really have much clue, in my opinion of course. Just look both ways before you cross the street.

It seems people only get upset if it's their friend who is getting negative opinions. You would not care even slightly if I was sticking up for Heidi, so pop down from your high horse, lad.

Man, empty threats all over the place. As per usual icon_lol. Actually this has bothered me for quite awhile. I'm really not all that high on any of the final 3, but I do think they all deserve respect at the very least.

What threats? In case you misunderstood 'look both ways before you cross the street', I mean make sure you don't get pissy at people if you've done the same thing.

So what's your issue pal, that I didn't ask them for any response to my speech and that I've got a positive opinion of Hayden & I don't rate Heidi's game highly? Somehow that = bullying and all this other shit? It's simply an opinion man. This Ponderosa is not dissimilar to any other season. If you disagree with me that's fine, no need to get into a rage about it as if I'm trying to rig the season
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By Rocky
#7052 if i had to toss in a quick tldr of the mind of rocky, i'd say this.

leaning towards hayden: i think if val doesn't turn on dan, hayden would've been in the final 3 as well. he and i talked a lot about not being goats, about flipping the script after a point. clearly, he had the know-how to get to the end in many scenarios. he had to have adapted well to have gotten to this point, better than anyone else in the game.

if not hayden, leaning towards heids. i think she was a more social, more in-charge person when compared to tammy.

i honestly can't see how tammy knew what she was doing half the time based on the answers but yo, neither did i. maybe she's a fuckup like yo boy rockstar and just shows it in diff ways. probably did a better job with her own alliance than she did with me, but tammy was also just straight up boring. i brought the mojo to our conversation, and she brought the pantsuit and the post-it notes and other boring shit.
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