- Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:49:35 am
:'( So sad. Did you have fun this season? Any regrets, would you play again? Would you play any differently?
- Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:35:09 am
Anyone who thinks I wasn't running the show before the last vote is in denial. My biggest mistake was not planning more carefully the round Drew went home, I should have pushed the vote on someone other than Heidi and been a little more tight lipped about things. I also should have played my idol for Drew instead of myself, but that's the way she goes
I had fun. I'm proud of what I achieved pre-merge and the fact it took several idols to stop me and my boy from running this show all the way to the finals. I kicked ass, took names, dominated challenges when I needed to (apart from today) and I had a stack of people who were with me all the way. This was way different from Indonesia where I was almost always in the minority yet still getting by, calling people out and flushing idols. This time I was running things and was the obvious target. I thought I could avoid it given my connections + thinking Ozzy wouldn't play his idol for anyone other than himself. Credit to him though, I'm rooting for him.
Regrets? No, it is what it is. I tried to get people on my side even when they were on the opposing side of things. I was honest and treated them with respect for the most part. Maybe that was a mistake? I dunno. But teaming up with Heidi was never realistic no matter how much you're gonna tell me it was.
Play again? Nah I doubt it. I said I wouldn't after last season because of the timezone shit. Changed my mind eventually though and was able to play. I don't know if that will be a realistic option in future since I'm potentially making some changes in my rl regarding work and location. I'm sure the itch will come back though but I can't see myself playing in this timezone unless I'm on holidays or some shit