8th Place | 6th Juror | 6-1 Vote
By Jeff Probst
#3275 Please use this thread exclusively for your official votes. They should be in the following format;

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-Make sure to put either the round number, day or date on them so we can distinguish between votes for this round and previous votes.

-You do not have to make a comment, but anything you write in your post is fair game to be revealed along with your vote. We won't say who said what, just the exact words, similar to a comment written on a voting parchment on the show. Comments are highly encouraged :)

-There is no penalty for not voting. You'll simply see one less vote appear at TC.

-If you think you are going to be absent for a voting period, you should leave a pre-vote. You are allowed pre-vote with one name only - no lists or alternatives.

-You can change your vote / comment as many times as you like up until the voting deadline. The deadlines will be clearly announced at the beginning of Tribal Council. As soon as that deadline hits, your vote is "locked in" and you cannot change it, so be certain it is what you want to do.
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Jeff Probst

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By Nate
#3639 Merge Episode


"Don't fuck this up Oscar. Let Drew be collateral damage"
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#4012 M+1 Episode

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#4524 M+2 Episode

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#4879 M+3 Episode

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#5384 M+4 Episode

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#5442 i will over the weekend
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By Nate
#5443 now that i said that, i'm getting voted out aren't i
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#5766 Episode 14


Sorry, I got to go big or go home.
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#6895 Jury


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By Jeff Probst

You have until 7:00c/8:00e tomorrow to make your final vote or change your vote. good luck.
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Jeff Probst

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By Nate
#7171 Between Tammy and Hayden.

All three are kind of absolute crap at compliments.

Heidi was more complimenting herself than me, which is why she's out of the running.

Hayden I had a better relationship but Tammy probably did the better job at FTC.

I haven't done the numbers in my head but I think a lot of the Dan-group is voting Hayden and the later-jurors are voting Tammy, where I'm kind of neither so my vote may matter more than I thought?
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By Nate
#7172 Now that I go through it, Hayden was the only person of the three who sent me anything when we weren't working together, while Heidi and Tammy didn't sent me the weekend that I got out.

Also reading the Ponderosa thread, I feel like nobody else thinks that Tammy did well. I may have been swayed reading the end first which may have apologised the beginning more.

So I guess I'll vote for Hayden?
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By Nate
#7173 I did vote for Rocky in Faroe which would fit with that logic, but that's more because of his response to Liliana's question, while I couldn't find anything from Hayden that kind of encapsulates my reason to vote for him (except, ironically Rocky's question itself).

I do think Hayden also played stronger game than Faroe Rocky, but that was mostly because Rocky's inactivity at the start of that season. But I guess there isn't anything i can point to for those three that I can say "that is why I'm voting for them" which is what's the problem with all three of their FTCs.
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By Nate
#7176 Let me weigh my options:

> Drew, Dan, Sugar, Rocky are 100% voting Hayden

> Val, Penner, Ozzy, Richard and probably Sierra are voting for ONE OF Heidi or Tammy

If I vote Tammy, unless if the votes are split 3-3 perfectly, one of Tammy or Heidi win.

If I vote Hayden, he wins unless the other five are united.

I will vote Tammy if I know she'll get zero votes because she deserves more than that. Hayden, on the other hand, is getting around four or five votes which is round bout what he deserves.

There's also the chance that one of them (Sierra?) just went ahead and voted Hayden making my vote pointless.

The other problem with voting Hayden is that I don't know how much of the Hayden circle jerk would have affected that, but the most convincing arguments for Hayden are ones made by other people which does turn me off a bit.

I may be overthinking in which case I'll go to the direct quality of the compliments.
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By Nate
#7182 Jury Vote


"You guys are all pretty shit at compliments"
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