5th Place | 9th Juror | 3-2 Vote
By Ozzy
Jeff Probst wrote:I just think you're past the point of being a Kimmi, to be frank. If you are able to pull off convincing people you are a non threat, that's great! But we just saw that they voted you the biggest threat to win... After being voted that, I would be concerned about being the next person voted off, let alone a final 3 threat.

Oh I'm 100% convinced I'm the next to go. I'm just trying to think of ways to get the target off my back and on to someone else's for the time being. I mean, from Hayden and Sugar's perspective, why would they want to go with Sierra? She'll beat them handily at the end. But I can't convince them of that because I'm also a huge threat for them. They're screwed either way. Sierra knows Heidi and Tammy got "burned" by the boys and will guarantee herself two more votes in the next tribal. And Heidi and Tammy will go with her because they may be able to pull in Hayden and Sugar near F5. So that leaves pushing Nate and/or Penner under the bus to save my ass another vote. But if I do that, I'm only giving myself another round (at best two) and then have to hope someone will use me to be a vote for them (which is unlikely).

I'm not tied to any of these strategies I'm throwing out. I'm not saying that I'm doing this, that, or the other. I'm just throwing ideas out to see what feels like the best move. Like drunk Ozzy said last night, "I fucked myself hard."

I think since I've given control over to Sierra, I need to try to work with her and really push the idea that once I'm gone, people WILL start looking at her. Maybe not immediately, but she's not getting to the end by keeping around her goats. They're smart enough to know they can't beat her. And they will use others to get her out. If they don't, they're awful players. So I need to convince Sierra that it's in her best interest to keep me around (somebody that hasn't gone against her directly, who has been honest with her, and will work with her up to F4). I don't know, I'm just thinking.

Fucking weekend are the worst because all I do is think about different moves but nobody comes on to bounce ideas off of. I really think Sierra is who I go to here. I have to.
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By Ozzy
Jeff Probst wrote:Are there similar people in your position that feel like they are threats that may be targetted?

Heidi (duh) but until I hear back from her there's no reason to push it. Plus I just totally screwed her so it'd be dangerous to go that route.

Sierra, see my last post.

Nate. The only thing he can really do is either push Hayden and Sugar toward Heidi or use his idol correctly. Which is possible.

Penner? But I think he feels safe.

And everyone else should feel safe. No way sugar or Hayden feel in danger. Tammy has her necklace.

I'm taking a break. Too much survivor on my mind.
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  • Juror
  • Posts: 489