5th Place | 9th Juror | 3-2 Vote
By Kelly Wigles
#6542 Hey Ozzy, you mind giving us some thoughts and ruminations on your time here? Epic game by the way, definite star right here.
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jeff Varner
#6561 Just popping in to also say you played a great game.

Your one job in this game was to make me not regret making you my winner pick and while you didn't win, you were very impressive so I don't regret it (that much). And I'm glad you got the chance to right some wrongs after your hard hitting loss in Suriname. GG
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Jeff Varner

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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hey Ozzy, you mind giving us some thoughts and ruminations on your time here? Epic game by the way, definite star right here.

This has been fucking awesome. The whole thing. I've had loads of fun, lost way too much sleep, stressed myself out during my fucking travel season, and ended in a blaze of glory. I'm happy with everything and wouldn't have changed anything (maybe just booting Penner...).

I think I said this in one of my first confessionals, but I have a checklist going into these ORGs...
    1. Don't be First Boot
    2. Make the Swap
    3. Don't be Swap Boot
    4. Make the Merge
    5. Don't be Merge Boot
    6. Make Final 5
    7. Make Final 4
    8. Make Final 3
    9. Win

I made my way down that list! This is also the furthest I've gotten too (including other ORGs). So I'm cursed lol.

Obviously the downfall was trying to protect Penner. I almost flipped on Heidi (and would've if it had tied), but Sugar leaving was perfect. It was my view of Penner as a non-threat that did me in. I just needed him in F4 and then I could decide if he should stay or go (somehow). Goddamnit, should've just voted him out with the girls.

Whatever. #fuckit right? This was great and I'm happy. Especially after having a shitty day!
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By Ozzy
Jeff Varner wrote:Just popping in to also say you played a great game.

Your one job in this game was to make me not regret making you my winner pick and while you didn't win, you were very impressive so I don't regret it (that much). And I'm glad you got the chance to right some wrongs after your hard hitting loss in Suriname. GG

Thanks Varner! Did you want some peanut butter now or... too soon still? icon_laughing
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