6th Place | 8th Juror | 4-2 Vote
By Sugar
#5889 Sugar! Congrats on the Final 7 Ya Dirty little Goat!!!
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By Kelly Wigles
#5905 Sugar, how does it make you feel that people keep calling you a goat?

(which btw, these people are idiots for underestimating you so much like that)

also, do you miss playing with me?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Sugar
#5912 I'm gonna speak freely here, cause I do what I want!

The goat talk is hilarious, you see the confessionals, you read the PM's, I have been a leader and a move maker, this alliance with Penner (which is lovely BTW) was a partnership between him and I!!!! Hayden and Sierra wanted to go with the girls, and kinda still do....I'm not a dang goat!!!

also, are you kidding me? You and Flicks and Kimmi are some of the best people I've met and would love the chance to play with all of you again....just not anytime soon, cause I'm tired and I need a game break...you know I love you Kells
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By Kelly Wigles
#5943 Do you mind if I ask you what your favorite season of Survivor was? Who was your favorite player of all time and why?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Sugar
Kelly Wigles wrote:Do you mind if I ask you what your favorite season of Survivor was? Who was your favorite player of all time and why?

I don't mind at all, fav season? I don't know if I can properly pick one but I've always had a soft spot for Australia and Africa, I've been meaning to go back and watch the newer school seasons to give them a better shake. I loved Cook Islands as well.

fav player...easy, Mariano
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By Kelly Wigles
#5983 Before the events start, you mind giving me an update to what's been going on in the tribe? Who have you been talking to? How do you think tonight is going to go down?
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Kelly Wigles

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