By Jeff Probst
#3297 First of all, Congratulations for making the merge on this All-stars season! It's a big accomplishment, you've outlasted 11 players, nearly half of the players in this game.

Here's where the real fun begins. Where legends are made and the real season is defined. I want to wish you the best of luck and I know I don't have to tell you this because you already know... Leave it all in the game, don't waste any opportunities because you may not get another chance to redo them.

So I have a lot of questions but I'll start with a few:

1. Now that the Merge is here and it has gone to an Individual game, how will your strategy change?

2. Are you worried about any alliances or groups in particular? Do you think that the previous tribal breakdowns will factor into this merge at all?

3. Are you concerned with any threats in the game, and if you are a threat... are you concerned with being targetted for being a threat?

4. Now that the merge is upon us, players begin to look towards the finals and WINNING the game. How do you plan on proving to your other players that you deserve to win amongst all of these all-stars?

5. Who would you ideally like to team up with and who do you want to see gone ASAP? Are you planning on stepping outside of your comfort zone and making new allies/friends in this merge?
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By Tammy
#3321 1. Now that the Merge is here and it has gone to an Individual game, how will your strategy change? The merge hasn't changed my strategy at all... so far, I've been playing this game by getting to know people and following my gut about them, and that's gotten me this far. I need to build relationships here with everyone so that I'm kept in the loop and so that everyone sees me as someone they want to keep around and work with.

2. Are you worried about any alliances or groups in particular? Do you think that the previous tribal breakdowns will factor into this merge at all? I'm definitely concerned about a lot of the relationships in this game and how alliances might break down for this first merge vote. I'm worried about the blues linking up with Dan, Sierra, Hayden, and Ozzy and having a majority here. I think that's what Dan is going to try to push here, so I have to go to work right away and make sure that alliance doesn't happen. I think my best bets at thwarting that are going to be Ozzy and Sierra. Sierra and I have a good relationship from our old tribe, but she's also partners with Dan. At the same time, she just voted against Sugar and doesn't have much of a relationship with Sugar. Meanwhile, Dan just sent Ozzy's partner home. Heidi, Val and I also have an alliance with Ozzy. So we need to do whatever it takes to make sure that that 7 person alliance doesn't form and take majority here.

3. Are you concerned with any threats in the game, and if you are a threat... are you concerned with being targetted for being a threat? Right now I'm not concerned that I'm going to be targeted for being a threat, but I am a little worried about Heidi. She hates Sugar, and she's made that very clear. She's also extremely outspoken and I think people realize she's here to play, so I'm a bit worried that she could be targeted here. The biggest threat to me right now is Dan. I think he is going to work to try to get some sort of majority here, and I don't think he's going to try to include me in it, and that's not going to work for me.

4. Now that the merge is upon us, players begin to look towards the finals and WINNING the game. How do you plan on proving to your other players that you deserve to win amongst all of these all-stars? I think it's going to be an uphill battle for me to get to the end of this game and win it, but I'm prepared for it. I think the one thing that I have going for me here is that I came into this with no preexisting relationships and have had to be quick on my feet to make those relationships. Aside from my ally, which everyone had, I didn't come into this with relationships that I could lean on to get a majority. Instead, I had to get myself into those majorities and I've done that well so far -- I've been in the majority for every vote that I've been a part of. A time will come when I'll have to make some moves and play a little more flashy, but for right now I think that my best shot at winning this game is to just continue to keep myself in the loop with what everyone is thinking and what everyone is wanting.

5. Who would you ideally like to team up with and who do you want to see gone ASAP? Are you planning on stepping outside of your comfort zone and making new allies/friends in this merge?

Right now I feel like I have a good relationship with the original Saipan members -- Heidi, Penner, Val and Richard. I feel solid about those four, but that's not enough numbers. Nate is just coming off of a tribe that burned him hard, he's close with Richard and Penner, and we were allies on NuSaipan so I feel like roping him in for 6 should be no problem. After that is where things get tricky... I have to work Ozzy and Sierra and see if I can get one of them on my side here.

Right now.. my best bet might be to go after Sugar. Sierra doesn't have a great relationship with her from what I gather, so that might be the easiest sell. with Ozzy... I just have to continue to make him feel like he can trust Heidi, Val and I so we can make something happen here.
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By Jeff Varner
#3347 Hi Tammy.

Now that we've reached the merge, how do you feel about your position in the game?

Also, could you please break the tribe down for me from your perspective. How would you rank your tribemates in terms of trust? maybe add on a rating of 1-10 as well if you don't mind.
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By Kelly Wigles
#3364 Hey Tammy, just wondering, of your current alliance, who do you see is the weakest link?
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By Tammy
#3465 I don't feel like I'm in a good position, no. I think that Heidi and I being one of the last two pairs standing could be putting a big target on us, and I just don't feel very confident that my alliance is going to hold together for this vote.
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By Kelly Wigles
#3466 Have you made any other strong connections with people other than Heidi? If push comes to shove, aside from her, who's got your back?
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By Tammy
#3475 I have my alliance with the guys, Richard, Penner and Nate... I think that those guys are definitely looking to control the game and kind of just think they can use Heidi and I as votes. As long as they feel like they can use us, great, they'll stay loyal and the less likely they'll be to see it coming when we need to take one of them out.

On the other hand, the alliance that I'm depending on MOST is Heidi, Val and Ozzy. We kind of locked something down during our last swap and have been trying to take control of the game. For me right now this alliance is mostly a way to keep Ozzy and Val locked down so that they stay on our side.

and then there's Sierra, who I had a really strong bond with before... but I think the merge has kind of put us on two different sides. She kind of went running right back to Dan. I think Dan wants to take out Heidi tonight because he wants the necklaces and I think Sierra will just go along with it. So we have to take Dan out tonight. If we can do that, Heidi and I get the necklaces, we take out someone from the other side who is clearly rallying votes against us, and we cut off Sierra's options so that she has to depend more on me moving forward.
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