By Kelly Wigles
#6219 I'm gonna start this off simply, how do you feel after everything that just went down?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Tammy
#6279 I feel amazing after last night's Tribal Council. I can not believe that all worked out for us icon_mml and to top it off, we got rid of one of the biggest threats to win this entire thing. I didn't see any way that Heidi and I made it through that Tribal Council intact and then it happened. I don't think anyone wanted to see our pair make it this far in the game intact but we're a couple of unkillable bitches and it's amazing.

The problem now though is it seems like we're right back into another deadlock icon_laughing I think for a while Penner has wanted to take Hayden & Sugar to the end with him, and now you can kind of tell that is what he's banking on. I don't see any way of splitting them up. With Ozzy, Heidi and I, Heidi and I are obviously going to be solid, so it's just a matter of what Ozzy wants to do and if he stuck with us last night through all of that, I can't see him flipping here. Why would he do that? If he voted one of us out, the other one just becomes immune and then he's the next target on the list for the other three. Would he really risk it all on winning an immunity challenge? I don't see it.

So it looks like we could be deadlocked again.
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  • Kiribati Tribe
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By Tammy
#6306 Right now there's really not much that anyone can do, everyone seems ready and willing to go to rocks for a second time. The plan on our side is of course to win immunity so that we increase our odds, and we want to steer the votes towards Ozzy tonight so that when it goes to rocks, he's safe. That way, we have a fighting chance next round at the remaining person between Heidi/I + Ozzy BOTH being immune at the f5 and having a shot to tie things at the f4.

Right now I think the sides are pretty deadlocked. I do think the person in the best position to flip would be Penner, since I think he + Ozzy + one of Hayden/Sugar could just vote together at the f5 to finally split up Heidi & I, but I think Penner thinks his best chance at winning is to repeat what he did on his season and take the two "goats" Sugar & Hayden to the end. So that doesn't leave much choice for the rest of us either.
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  • Kiribati Tribe
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By Jeff Probst
#6309 Can I just say I got a boner looking at your avatar and seeing you girls pull off miracles this game XD It's been entertaining to say the least.

Also, what are your chances of winning in a final 3? Do you think you are being overshadowed by your alliance members?
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Jeff Probst

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By Tammy
#6441 Hayden and I talked at the last minute and he started getting nervous, but I don't know if he decided to flip because of his conversation with me or because of his conversation with the boys. But I made an argument that his chances at winning are best with Heidi & I, which I mean, I think is true. Ozzy and Penner have a lot of friends on the jury from outside of the game. I mean, Hayden has a lot of friends too potentially. I don't know if Heidi and I really have a chance here, but we've come so far so we just have to keep pushing.
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  • Kiribati Tribe
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