By Kelly Wigles
#5899 Hey Tammy! Congrats on making it to episode 15!

1) You currently have an extra vote, Do you plan on using it anytime soon?

2) With Nate voted off, this potentially gives the trio of Sierra/Hayden/Sugar the majority in the tribe. Are you ad Heidi going to do something about that?

3) Also, do you mind talking to us about what you love about Survivor? Who's your favorite contestant of all time and why?
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By Tammy
#5951 Heidi passed me the extra vote last night for safe keeping because she knew I'd be immune, but I'm going to pass it back to her now. I don't see how the extra vote benefits me right now. There are seven people, so the extra vote would just force a tie and then you wouldn't have the numbers in the re-vote, so it's kind of useless until an even-numbered round. This round we have to focus on getting the actual numbers somewhere to keep us both safe.

with Nate leaving, Sierra, Hayden and Sugar are definitely the largest and most obvious group and if I had my way we'd break them up a little bit more tonight. The problem is that those three are united and are going to stick together, whereas the rest of us are a complete fractured mess. I think the boys are a little scared of me, they talk to Heidi but they've all seemed really afraid to approach me. So I have to figure out how to come across a little... warmer, here. Heidi and I fought with Penner last TC, I bitched the guys out about lying to us after they voted Val out, Ozzy voted for Penner at the last TC... so like, the idea of the four of us coming together for this vote is a long-shot. Would I prefer it? Absolutely. Even if we don't really all like each other, we all benefit from working together to split the other three up.

Also, do you mind talking to us about what you love about Survivor? Who's your favorite contestant of all time and why?

Ooh fun! icon_wub

I love Survivor because I love watching people navigate social dynamics. I love watching all of these different personalities come together and form hierarchies, friendships, and alliances, knowing that only one person can win the whole thing. and the best part is that anyone can win Survivor. You don't have to be the smartest or the fastest or the strongest or the most likable, you just have to be the best at self-preservation.

My all-time favorite Survivor is Jaclyn Schultz. She was a normal person and not some over-the-top caricature who was thrown into a game that I really don't think she had studied or been too familiar with, and it was amazing watching her. There were times she played smart and just did what was best for her game, and then there were times she played emotionally and basically held everyone hostage to her tantrums and fits of insecurity and I loved that. It was hilarious and entertaining but also relatable.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5953 1)Tammy, if you had to compare your gameplay this season to a former Survivor contestant, who would it be and why?

2) You talked about the boys being a little scared of you, what was your relationship like with Penner and Ozzy before the Val vote-out?
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By Tammy
#5954 My relationship with Penner has never been that good, at least on my end, I've never trusted him. to me Penner is and has always been the biggest backstabber in this game. Our pairs allied right at the beginning of the game and before we had even voted together once, he was talking about turning on us. Then he tried to turn on us because we got the necklaces, and he even voted Nate out the same TC that Nate used his idol for him. He's just cutthroat and I've never trusted him, but we've been together on the same tribe since the beginning. We've never been swapped apart, so we've always had a working relationship and we've always voted on the same side until now. I think the boys kind of view me as an extension of Heidi. Until recently, I don't think they've ever viewed me as much more. Now I think that's changing, and Penner mentioned to me that it's clear to him that I'm the better player and she's more of the figure-head. Which - I don't know if that's true. I think Heidi's got game, too. For me it's kind of hard to figure out how the boys see me, but they all admitted to me that they were afraid to come to me after the vote because they were afraid of my response, but they've all talked to Heidi so I think it has to be more something about me personally that makes me less approachable?

Tammy, if you had to compare your gameplay this season to a former Survivor contestant, who would it be and why?

Oh that's a tough one, because I know how I've played the game and I know what I see but I have a hard time judging what other people are seeing. Have I been boring? Maybe. I think in the beginning, I had a hard time getting my footing because this was something that I hadn't done in so long that I was basically new to it. I kept my mouth shut, kind of just focused on building relationships and observing the relationships other people had. and I think because of that, I've had a better read on this game than a lot of people, hence me winning that dynamics-based immunity challenge and so far, not receiving a vote at TC. at the same time, I feel like there are times I've been outspoken. When I've felt strongly about something, I've spoken up. When I had something to say about Dan, I said it, or when I had something to say about the boys screwing us over, I said. So I don't think I've been some mute. I also don't think I'm a goat. I think I could make it to the end and make a case for winning, and I wasn't one of the people who was considered a goat in the challenge or who has been blasted for it. So for that reason, maybe a good comparison would be Michelle from Kaoh Rong? I mean it wouldn't be the most flattering comparison, and I'd like to be able to make some bigger moves now, but I think it's comparable to my game so far. She was the less threatening, more socially savvy member of a duo.
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By Tammy
#5955 I think the others are going to come after Heidi and I here. I spoke a little bit with Hayden and he said that the pair advantage is just too strong a reason for people to want us out. I would think that Heidi would be the target ahead of me but that's not necessarily a given. So I'm not sure what we can do here, especially if Penner or Ozzy want to vote with them instead of us.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5956 Well the thing about Michelle from Kaoh Rong is that she won, so maybe it's a good comparison after all?

If people are going to be gunning for you and Heidi and it works, that guarantees the surviving person immunity in the next tribal council. Do you ever see yourself parting ways with Heidi in some way?
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By Tammy
#5957 I guess it's a good comparison if I did win, but it's also not really how I want to win. I mean I get the game and I get that sometimes you just need to put yourself in a good position, ride it out, and be the most likable at the end - but there's no prize for winning Stranded other than the title. So I want to do something bigger than that. Not just to "make a big move," but to feel proud of my victory here if I were to win. Making a move is about timing though and we've seen that time and time again. Ozzy saved his idol and then used it on Heidi to give us the numbers, that was a great move but it was also a perfectly timed move. On the flip side, Val made her move too early and ultimately it cost her the game. and ironically, the boys made their move on Val too early and it cost Nate the game. So you need to make sure the timing is right.

I definitely have always considered that there might come a time where Heidi would leave and I'd have to finish this on my own. I think I can do it. Do I want it to happen? No. Heidi and I have been solid together in this and loyal to each other from the start, and it's gotten us this far. We're sitting in the final 7 as the last pair standing. I'd love for us to keep going together and finish this together but I don't know how realistic that is. At some point, I just feel like people are going to have to split us up. So I've been preparing for that, and of course the immunity afterwards is something that I'm using to convince people not to boot me or at least to be honest with me. One of the arguments I'm making is that if one of us goes, the other one is immune and is gonna have a lot of power at the next TC because of it. Do you want that person to be pissed off at you because you lied to them? No. and for some people, like Hayden and Sugar, it would be terrible for them if I left and the person deciding their fate the next round was Heidi.
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By Tammy
#5961 Now it sounds like even Penner wants Heidi to go. I don't think there's any way that both of us survive tonight :(
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By Tammy
#5964 Okay, maybe there is a way we both survive tonight: Hayden and Penner want Ozzy out if Heidi wins immunity. I've been talking to them and working hard on them, and it sounds like they'd be totally down to vote for Ozzy is Heidi wins tonight. Right now the partner twist and Heidi's abrasive personality are coming in handy for me, because nobody wants to vote me out and give Heidi immunity the next round. I'm going to work that to my advantage.
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By Tammy
#5976 Tonight we need to get Heidi immunity, and then we need to use the extra vote so that me, Heidi and Ozzy have a majority. That's the only way we're both getting through tonight and the only way we'll have a fighting chance at getting through next round too. I could vote with the boys to get rid of Ozzy but then we'd still be screwed after that because it seems like Penner is banking on some sort of alliance with Hayden, Sugar and Sierra. I think he's trying to do what he did last season, which means at this point, Ozzy, Heidi and I need each other and we need to use that extra vote to get rid of one of those four. That's the only option we have for tonight or else none of us stand a shot at wining this.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5977 So who are you guys targeting? If Penner is really taking Hayden, Sugar and Sierra to the end, would it make sense to take out one of them?
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By Tammy
#5980 I don't know who we would end up taking out in that scenario, it would probably just be whoever the three of us can agree on during the scramble. at this point, Sierra is the biggest threat and I'd like to see her go, but I think Ozzy would feel more comfortable getting rid of someone like Sugar because he's afraid that she's going to get dragged to the end.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5982 Before the events start, you mind giving me an update to what's been going on in the tribe? Who have you been talking to? How do you think tonight is going to go down?
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By Tammy
#5988 There's been a lot going down.

So first of all, Heidi is in a lot of trouble tonight, basically everyone except for me and Ozzy wants her out. If Heidi doesn't win immunity, I don't see any way that she stays. Sugar wants her out for obvious reasons, and Sierra is hardcore against us here too. She wants us split up this round. Penner and Hayden are down to do that too, because Penner hates Heidi and I don't see why Hayden would want to keep her. So if Heidi doesn't win individual immunity tonight, she's going home.

If she does win the immunity challenge, that's where it gets tricky. Sugar and Sierra will end up voting for me, IF Sugar is even around to put in her back-up vote, which it sounds like now she will be... but Penner and Hayden said they want to vote for Ozzy. I've told them I'll do that. So if Heidi wins immunity, their plan is to send Ozzy out 4-3 with mine & Heidi's vote.

Meanwhile, Heidi, Ozzy and I are thinking we'll pretend to go along with that plan (Ozzy doesn't know about it exactly in case I need it to happen icon_whistling ), and then we might just hope to split their votes and then vote for someone else, like Sugar. it's a risk though, and we might use the extra vote just to be sure in case the others don't split their votes we can make it 4-3 with Sugar not voting.

and now I guess Heidi is going to try to save herself, which I can't blame her since I'm sure she doesn't want to rely on immunity, by trying to turn Sierra on Penner. So now Sierra is coming to me asking all these questions about Penner and I have no idea what to make of it.

I don't know what's going to happen tonight. Either Heidi goes home, or she wins immunity and this entire thing turns into a complete clusterfuck.
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By Tammy
Jeff Probst wrote:I think you misunderstood what i said... Why do you think there's no chance for rocks?

because isn't there a re-vote? and then our extra vote would be wasted? Or does it just go to rocks automatically if there's a tie and nobody wants to switch?
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By Jeff Probst
Tammy wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:I think you misunderstood what i said... Why do you think there's no chance for rocks?

because isn't there a re-vote? and then our extra vote would be wasted? Or does it just go to rocks automatically if there's a tie and nobody wants to switch?

I said "the revote is that I only ask if you want to change your vote" Any votes that players do not want to change still stand.
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By Tammy
#6051 Omg. Okay. Great. Thanks.
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By Tammy
#6216 Ok I'm not Michele anymore icon_wub but hopefully I can still win.
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