By Val
Jeff Probst wrote:
- 9th Place -

Played by: TunaWesson
Previous Seasons: Suriname (27)

Fan Favorite Results: 11th Place - 56.52%

Jeff Probst wrote:You came into this game after having a pretty rough and maybe unfair wrap as a winner last season. You showed massive potential and I took a risk on you here and I'm so glad I did. You elevated your game and became hated! As they say, if you're hated then you've reached distinction. I actually applaud your gameplay, I feel like you didn't go far enough. You shoulda just gone full Valhalla and continued to flip back and forth and cause as much shit as you could. Your biggest fault is not owning your personality. We saw you own it a lot more this season and you were much more memorable. I loved you here and you were definitely a compelling character.

Caryn wrote:Jesus fucking christ, even when you're given the opportunity to be an entertaining player on a silver platter, you STILL find a way to fuck it up. You could've been an entertaining flip flopping villain who was a thorn in everyone's side and you didn't give a shit what they thought, but you didn't own it. You didn't embrace it, you didn't absorb it, even when it became evidently clear that you were supposed to be a villain this season. You had the same bullshit mentality as last season which is exactly what I DIDN'T want you to have.

Kelly wrote:You occupy a very soft spot in my heart Val as you always come across as a very layered, emotional person in your confessionals. It was clear that you were affected by a lot of talk surrounding your win this season and you really wanted to prove yourself as being more than an allegedly undeserving winner. You succeeded, your time this season was pretty memorable and I think of all the Indonesia people you were positioned the best, it's ironic that your emotions took the best of you and you weren't able to look past what Richard did and had to take him out at the expense of everyone trusting you.

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By Richard
Heidi wrote:Cassandra never came to me with that plan which is weird because I totally treated her more than you, Penner.

Also, how did Hayden lose to Sugar? icon_sick

Wait yeah what the actual fuck. I was like 99.9% sure she trusted you more than me, Heidi
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By Caryn Groedel
#7398 Val if it's any consolation prize I didn't keep up with your game as much this season because well..... You're Val.

So maybe I didn't get to see the full story, but that's just what I saw.
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Caryn Groedel

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By Jeff Probst
- 13th Place -

Played by: rematch287
Previous Seasons: Nepal (23)

Fan Favorite Results: 10th Place - 57.96%

Jeff Probst wrote:I was rooting for Richard hard in this game and I'm really glad he got to get a full experience this season. I think he got his hands dirty this time and was actually doing really well... until the Dale incident. I think of everyone it affected his game the most. That said, he recovered from the whole thing really well, but Val snuffed him out and pushed hard for his vote in fear he would have a sympathetic underdog story at the end. So really, without that incident, I think Richard would make it further in the game for sure. That said, I think he proved himself as a good player and definitely helped his reputation from Nepal. I hope he's back into the Stranded fold for good and won't be scared to play again because he's got nothing to be ashamed of.

Caryn wrote:Ok, so I don't necessarily believe you to be an exciting presence. Hell, whenever I see the name "Richard" on the board I usually let out a yawn most of the time, but you were probably the only one true casualty of Dale's actions. And for that I apologize, because that was partly my fault. You're still a fat piece of shit though.

Kelly wrote:You were the biggest casualty of the Dale scandal, you were playing a terrific game up until that point and even for a minute there it seemed like you were going to be able to overcome it. It seemed like you really came alive as a player since Penner basically abandoned you after it. But you weren't prepared for just how badly Val got hurt that she was willing to tank her own game just to see you out.

Jeff wrote:You were playing really well until the whole Dale situation. Your social game improved tenfold from what it was back in Nepal. It felt like you were protected on seemingly all sides but that all came crashing down when the skype chat logs came out and you still almost managed to make it through alive. It was great to see you come back and do so well.
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Jeff Probst

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By Dan
Heidi wrote:omg I kind of forgot Rich existed but I've missed him so much icon_cry

you will love him in ponderosa. called out my terrible bullying of others into voting for Hayden.

hey rich, maybe we've got a F2 in this? lmao
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By Dan
Dan wrote:hey rich, maybe we've got a F2 in this? lmao

or not
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By Heidi
#7403 Am I the only one who low-key thought that the Dale stuff was super exciting and hilarious?

It actually made me trust Rich more icon_wink
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By Jeff Probst
- 15th Place -

Played by: BowserBoy129
Previous Seasons: Portugal (22)

Fan Favorite Results: 9th Place - 58.70%

Jeff Probst wrote:THE defining pre-merge boot of the season. You were so incredible here I can't even. Your boot was one of the most epic in the series history. So lulzy. I was living. I loved every minute watching you and loved your underdog story. You killed it girl.


Kelly wrote:You were so much fun! I'm kind of sad that you were the one that got taken out by the double idol play cause that was around the time where you were just the funniest to watch. The PM's between you and Heidi deciding who goes on which tribe was just hilarious and then the irony of ironies when you go home first thing when your tribe goes to tribal.
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Jeff Probst

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By Val
Caryn Groedel wrote:Val if it's any consolation prize I didn't keep up with your game as much this season because well..... You're Val.

So maybe I didn't get to see the full story, but that's just what I saw.

It is a consolation prize, thank you.
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By Heidi
#7406 Do these rankings only account for the hosts' opinions? Or are the lurkers incorporated?
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By Penner
It seemed like you really came alive as a player since Penner basically abandoned you after it

I'm shocked and offended you think that! Although that is how I wanted it to come across.
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By Richard
Dan wrote:
Heidi wrote:omg I kind of forgot Rich existed but I've missed him so much icon_cry

you will love him in ponderosa. called out my terrible bullying of others into voting for Hayden.

hey rich, maybe we've got a F2 in this? lmao

Next season, dude! No one will expect it now
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By Nate
#7411 well looks like I'm coming 8th again
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By Jeff Probst
- 6th Place -

Played by: CaptainHonkey
Previous Seasons: Zambia (10), Suriname (26)

Fan Favorite Results: 8th Place - 63.48%

Jeff Probst wrote:Adorable and cool as always. It's great to have you back in the Stranded family. I don't think this was your most exciting performance, certainly not as great as Suriname was for you. I feel like you shied away from a lot of the drama that was handed to you and in the past you would have gone toe to toe with the best of them. In a sense, that shows a lot of maturity and knowing yourself to be able to brush off haters... in the other sense I miss that feisty kick ass attitude. Beyond that though you proved yourself to bea s likable as ever and were ultimately fun to watch. I think the shining moment for me was when you stood up to Dan during the tie breaking council where you refused to promise him that you would throw the challenge. That was a great moment.

Caryn wrote:You were a sweetheart, that's about it.

Kelly wrote:Sugar-boobs you were as angelic as always this season, you were such a breathe of fresh air when everyone was all about being cut-throat and strategic. You didn't quite get the respect you deserve as a player like you did in Suriname but that moment when you stood up to Dan during the tie-breaker was iconic.

Varner wrote:Having watched you play in Suriname, I felt like I knew what to expect from you. I don't think you will ever be the most strategic or the most controlling player but you will always be unapologetically Sugar. It seemed like you weren't having as much fun in this season, especially pre-merge(?) when people were being a bit rude to you. But you made the most of it, and had a great moment when you rejected Dan's deal in the pre-merge tie-breaker, which is something I'm sure not many other people would have done.
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Jeff Probst

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By Richard
Heidi wrote:Am I the only one who low-key thought that the Dale stuff was super exciting and hilarious?

It actually made me trust Rich more icon_wink

This is why I fucking love you Heidi
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By Penner
#7414 Sugar, I came into this game with such a negative pre-conceived opinion of you and I want to wholeheartedly apologise. You're awesome. Please ignore my first few confessionals before we met :)
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By Dan
that moment when you stood up to Dan during the tie-breaker was iconic.

She was lucky she was aligned with Drew. I almost kept Mookie because of that, even if it was gonna fuck me over because of it
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