- Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:04:03 am
Jeff Probst wrote:Val
- 9th Place -
Played by: TunaWesson
Previous Seasons: Suriname (27)
Fan Favorite Results: 11th Place - 56.52%Jeff Probst wrote:You came into this game after having a pretty rough and maybe unfair wrap as a winner last season. You showed massive potential and I took a risk on you here and I'm so glad I did. You elevated your game and became hated! As they say, if you're hated then you've reached distinction. I actually applaud your gameplay, I feel like you didn't go far enough. You shoulda just gone full Valhalla and continued to flip back and forth and cause as much shit as you could. Your biggest fault is not owning your personality. We saw you own it a lot more this season and you were much more memorable. I loved you here and you were definitely a compelling character.Caryn wrote:Jesus fucking christ, even when you're given the opportunity to be an entertaining player on a silver platter, you STILL find a way to fuck it up. You could've been an entertaining flip flopping villain who was a thorn in everyone's side and you didn't give a shit what they thought, but you didn't own it. You didn't embrace it, you didn't absorb it, even when it became evidently clear that you were supposed to be a villain this season. You had the same bullshit mentality as last season which is exactly what I DIDN'T want you to have.Kelly wrote:You occupy a very soft spot in my heart Val as you always come across as a very layered, emotional person in your confessionals. It was clear that you were affected by a lot of talk surrounding your win this season and you really wanted to prove yourself as being more than an allegedly undeserving winner. You succeeded, your time this season was pretty memorable and I think of all the Indonesia people you were positioned the best, it's ironic that your emotions took the best of you and you weren't able to look past what Richard did and had to take him out at the expense of everyone trusting you.