By Jeff Probst

Dale & Drew - So beyond pumped for this pairing. I think as allies they are going to do very well this season. Both strong players and characters, but not particularly too threatening.

Dale - He is coming off of being maybe THE biggest trainwreck character of Indonesia. He was an emotional rollercoaster all season, and yet, he still managed to be massively popular for being a trainwreck. I think most of the hosting staff/lurkers were rooting for him to win and because of that popularity, he stands to do very well this season. I'm looking to see how he has changed and if he's willing to flip things around more. If he can up his strategic game, he will be a dominant character this season.

Drew - He is one of the driving strategists from Indonesia. For that reason I see him dominating this season. He wasn't the most threatening player in Indonesia, he's recently honed his game into some wins in other series, he's mega popular amongst the alumni chat. For all of those reasosn, I can easily see him dominating this season. He could also come across too strong and get into a funky situation in the minority of an alliance and be targetted for it, but I tend to think he will be in a dominant position this season.

Flicka & Sugar - They were a break-out pair in Suriname. I loved them because they were both quite similar in personality but they were from such a wide gap of seasons. Flicka coming from the most recent season and Sugar coming from a 6 year lay-off. They were the last pair remaining in Suriname, and I could DEFINITELY see a repeat of that this season. They're both non-threatening and very likable.

Flicka - Flicka graduated from paranoid second chancer to All-star in Suriname. She was kinda the Charlie Brown of the season. Constantly getting the football pulled out from under her by Sophie. Obsessing about the idol and constantly waiting to do her plans. I think Flicka is one of those strategic underdogs that you just root for. She almost won Suriname, was voted out just before the final 3. I think here she needs to be a bit more proactive if she wants to WIN. I'm curious to see if she has that in her without Sophie in the game to dominate.

Sugar - Sugar is back because she's incredible lovable and hilarious. She was a breakout star in Suriname and I'm dying to see what she does here. I'm hoping to see a bit of Sugar's sinister side eek its way out last season. She kind of played the role of comic relief/cheerleader that season. I want to see her step into a strategic role or get into some conflicts with players. She has a strong game sense and a feisty side that i really want to see develop this season with some antagonists that are in this cast.

Laura & Rachel - The villain allies <333 I really hope to see them last a while because they will be REALLY fun to see wreak havoc as the game goes by. Hoping they can make it through the initial three tribe stage. Looking forward to waht tehy can bring to the table here.

Laura - Laura's initial outing was kind of a trainwreck. She mostly played under the radar villain in her season. Rubbing a lot of people the wrong way with her dark sense of humor. The good thing is that we all know she is a power player in gaming and I want to see her bring that to Stranded. Specifically to live out the role of superhag that i know she was born to play. She already brought back the awkward joke that defined last season with "Where's Caleb". The difference is that it didn't seem to horrify people like it did in Portugal. Cassandra joked back "under the train tracks." So... I think she will do much better with the sinistar players in this season than she did with Portugal.

Rachel - SO excited to have Rachel back. She was a huge cuntrix in Portugal and her rivalry with Hayden was epic. She was a huge bitch and confrontational all of Portugal. The one thing I want to see here is for her to transcend into supervillain territory. In order to do that she will also have to bring it strategically. We already have seen her as a huge character. I'm looking to see her solidify her position as an epic Stranded villain that I know she can be. In order to do that she will need to get her hands dirty this season.

Rocky & Liliana -
One of the pair of allies most likely to turn on one another. I initially thought Liliana would be super fucked on this tribe. But, maybe the devil you know will outweigh the devils you don't. I don't see these two working together long term, but... again... maybe familiarity is more comfortable and it will be an alliance of convenience.

Rocky - Rocky almost won Faroe Islands. I mean he lost in a tie breaker to Penner. It was that close. He was a challenge beast who kind of went under the radar for a while. But he was always hilarious and always scheming. I think that's going to work to Rocky's advantage this season. I see him getting along with most of the players and if he can be a little more vocal and in the lead, he will have a better shot of winning in the finals and controlling the game.

Liliana - Liliana is a glorious trainwreck. I'm soooo looking forward to seeing how she does here. I think she's got an uphill battle with a lot of people from suriname/faroe who know she is insane and may not want to deal with her. But if she can somehow make the merge and somehow gets to cause as much panic and mayhem as she did in Suriname (which she undoubtedly will) she will be a legend for sure. I think she just needs to keep her paranoia under wraps for a little longer this season and she will make it deep. But I am definitely along for the ride.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

Dan & Sierra - Dan and Sierra are kind of the cool kids going into this season. Dan was a mega popular villain coming out of Indonesia. He won over most of the cast by the time of his departure. Sierra, went on to win Fan Favorite and was deemed a 'gone too soon' contestant. I think that they will both be a powerhouse here. First of all, neither is willing to turn on the other, which is a great advantage over other allies. Furthermore, everyone wants to be in with the cool kids. I've seen it with Scout in Australia... everyone will want to align with these two. That's my prediction anyway.

Dan - Dan's such a polarizing character. Most people in Indonesia were repulsed by him. But then something weird happened. Post-season, everyone seemed to adore him. It was a weird... Randyesque fandom. I think, going into this season, he's very popular. He has a lot of friends here and a lot of fans. That could be a great thing for dan, but the other side of the coin is that he could be a huge target because of that.

Sierra - I actually think Sierra could be in more trouble than Dan because she's viewed as a bigger threat strategically. That said, she's very good and very likable. I think she's planning on playing a more aggressive game this season and that is exactly what she should do. I'm all about a more cut throat Sierra willing to wheel and deal. One thing is for sure, I will be watching closely to see what happens with her.

Hayden & Katie - I think these two will be in the most trouble on their tribe. I don't see these two being able to stay together for the long haul.

Hayden - Hayden is an interesting one. He's got a feisty side that we saw in his feud with Rachel all of Portugal. Interestingly enough, she's returned. Looking forward to their inevitable rematch. I think Hayden has had a few rough breaks in Stranded. First season as we know, he was an alternate who had 1 day in the game before being voted out. He was recast in Portugal and was voted out pre-merge after his public feud with Rachel. Nepal, he made it a lot further but was a victim of the pagonging and an early merge boot. I'd like to see what he can do with a bit of power this season. He will need to be more aggressive with his alliances.

Katie - Full disclosure, at the time of writing this she has been inactive with no signs of recovering. She also is on a tribe with people who have an external beef with her from Australian Stranded. So it's not looking great for her. That said, she's already an All-star. She has earned her stripes and this is just an unlucky break in activity and tribe placement honestly. I don't think she will make it out of this alive, that would be miraculous. But she is definitely worth her weight in gold in terms of entertainment so she will be invited back again in the future.

Jessica & Nate - These two are not the closest allies in the game, and that will probably affect their long-term chances. However, individually they are strong players, and maybe if they can form a closer bond they will stand a chance of making it out of this three tribe stage.

Jessica - First of all, Jessica is very near legend status from her performance in Faroe Islands. However, I don't know what her chances will look like this season. I'm not very high on her making it out of Pohnpei alive. I really WANT her to, but I know that she will be seen as a huge challenge threat and a big player. Not great things for all-star seasons. That said, Pohnpei really needs the challenge strength, they're currently the worst, so they could keep her around for that and that could increase her chances incredibly.

Nate - Nate is a great strategic character in Stranded. He was a replacement who came in late to Faroe and just built this incredible underdog story. In the final 6 he was voted out as a huge threat. That says a lot about Nate. I am intereted to see if he can repeat his strategic game from Faroe and graduate to legendary player in this game. I think he can do it, otherwise he wouldn't be here. It's just a matter of luck of the draw in terms of where he ends up. Nate's not a huge character, his story shines when he can maneuver around alliances.

Mookie & Ozzy - These two could be very dangerous this season. Like Dan and Sierra, they are popular with a lot of the players here. Ozzy was fan favorite, gone too soon, in Suriname. Mookie was a likable underdog winner who won against one of the most dominant players in Stranded history. They have a lot of connections here. I think taht will serve them well.

Mookie - If Mookie wants to win this season he's going to have to play a more aggressive game. I don't think he will be able to beat out two other all-stars in the final 3 if he hasn't had a game that speaks for itself. I think Mookie could be in trouble because he won't have to fight for a lot in this season. He won't have to worry because there aren't a lot of people coming after him, but that complacency will not be a good look in the merge.

Ozzy - Ozzy stands a good chance of winning this season if he can get in with the right crowd. He's got all the strategic prowess, he's likable. I just worry if he will be too threatening for people like he was in Suriname. Furthermore, if he takes a back seat this season, people may view that as sketchy. He also might be overshaddowed by some of hte bigger threats if he takes too much of a UTR seat. It could go a lot of ways for Ozzy but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens definitely.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

Cassandra & Penner - These two are a power couple in this game. They were in Faroe Islands as well. I don't know if they will stick together. They did not stick together last time, were kind of frienemies. I kind of see them making it through the early stage together, though. I just love these two as an alliance.

Cassandra -
Cassandra is an epic stranded villain. She was the bitch that was so arrogant that she left with an idol and a necklace in an obvious blindside. If she can somehow hone in her huge fucking ego, she might be a decent player this season, but i doubt it. I just hope she's around long enough to go out as gloriously as last time <3

Penner - I think Penner is going to do really well here. Everyone seems to want to work with him. He's very popular outside of the game in skype. I think he's going to have a lot of chances to do well here. He could very well be a two time winner. I would like to see him up his activity and strategic game in the later stages. One of the more disappointing aspects of Faroe Islands was that he went from a huge threat underdog to virtually invisible... missing most of the events and not really participating a bunch in the season. To the point where he almost lost in a tie with Rocky. I want to see him step up in a big way this season.

Chris & Richard - This is a pair that I don't think are very close at all. I don't see them sticking together for very long.

Chris -
Chris is someone who almost always delivers. He was amazing in Nepal, which I believe was his first time returning. He made deep merge, looked poised to win. Was amazing both strategically and entertainment-wise. I'm really hoping for a repeat, but not expecting it. He went out early in Marquesas and would not be shocked to see a repeat of that, but I'm hoping for the best.

Richard - I'm so excited to see Richard back. I really hope he does well. He kind of got a beating after his season and, as a result, has been hiding in embarrassment. But here's the thing, he wasn't AWFUL, it was just that he had so much potential and didn't live up to that. So I'm hoping that he finally gets a shot at redemption here and can live up to his initial potential and be the player we know he can be. He seems excited to be playing again finally so that's a great start.

Heidi & Tammy - Old-school goddesses! I'm so hype to have them back, I think they will be great if they can get their feet wet in the game. So pumped, they are the legacy team. It's always amazing to see players from YEARS ago interact with players who are brand new to gaming. :)

Heidi - Heidi is already a legendary character. She originally played in Palmyra and was known as part of the Evil Trio, an epic group of cunts that bullied people with disabilities. I needed some old schoolers and Heidi has been wanting to return for a while now. This was the perfect opportunity! I'm so pumped to see her play again. I think she's going to be amazing in this and will show the newbies how it's done. She is poised to become one of the biggest characters of all time if she can own this season in her usual cunty ways <33333

Tammy - She is an old-school player who is probably most well known for having co hosted a lot of the earlier seasons with me. She initially played in season 5 and was mediocre. She came back for a second chancish season, the first fans vs. favorites season and made deep merge. She was mostly under the radar except for the later part of the game. Since then, she has become an online gaming icon and played in countless games.

Nadiya & Val - Well this is an interesting pairing. Coming straight off of a season where they screwed each other over. I don't think they will stick together for very long. But at the very least they were good friends.

Nadiya -
She's an interesting one. She has the credentials for sure. She was by far the biggest threat last season and some could say one of the best players. Taken out at final 5 (4?) for being too big of a threat. I think that's really going to hurt her chances here. I don't think she's very good at an OTT game. I think she likes to play the shadows, manipulating the whole game from behind the scenes and... I don't think people will put up with that. Everyone knows she's a huge threat. I think she needs to own that shit. Also she has massive break down potential. Both games she's in she broke down towards the final and was a complete emotional wreck. Maybe with pressure on her from the beginning it will be that way throughout? I dunno. Don't see her doing so well here.

Val - Val is so interesting to me because she's a very controversial winner. Viewers all wanted Dan to win and she got a LOT of flack for it after the season. Most people are probably wondering why she's back because she's viewed as boring. I personally find that interesting. She has a lot to prove and knows that, and I love that. She really became a huge character in the finals when she flipped on her close alliance and kind of went out on her own. Only after being targetted by the minority from almost every council and evading it. She definitely has the potential here and she's a winner, so I'm interested to see what she can do here. And she's been very active post season and apart of the community. I think she finally gets the wacked sense of humor and will be much more popular here. Hoping for the best.
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