By Jeff Probst
#3432 Dan - Dan has done as well as I anticipated in this game. He very well could still go the end with people rallying against him, however, I feel like he's going to definitely be an early merge boot. He's just too stubborn for people to want to work with. I actually think he's great because he's loyal and honest and forthcoming, everything you want in an ally. However, in order to succeed Dan would have to look outside himself and work with people like Heidi/Tammy... and unless Sierra can broker that deal (which she seems to be working towards) that just isn't going to happen. Because of that, he's inspiring an 'us vs. them' when he should be open to working with anyone. Frankly, he just needs to survive and because he isn't willing to do what it takes, i don't think he will. In terms of Legend status, I think Dan has well reached that. I think he had reached it in Indonesia, but he's only solidified his worthiness here. So good on him.

Drew - Drew I think will suffer from association with Dan, but he will be a little more unscathed. Drew's benefit, that Dan doesn't have, is that he's willing ot be flexible. He'll work with anyone to get further in the game. I think once Dan goes he can really start working his way into the fabric of this game. Where Drew is going to be in danger is that he will be the next target after Dan and maybe Sugar. By then it may be too late for him to have any kind of wiggle room and he might be a victim of a pagonging. Still, i give him a fairly decent chance of making it out of that alive. He's a good player and I hope he gets to showcase that here. I still think he goes around f9 here. He will definitely reach Legend status if he can hang on for a little longer and go out with a bang. If he goes out with a wimper, it'll be up in the air.

Hayden - I fear Hayden will get lost in this season. The good thing is that I think Hayden will go deep in this merge. Unless he is a victim of a straight pagonging... he's likable, trustworthy and non-threatening. That's the perfect storm for endgame. That said, he's got a lot of work to do if he wants to WIN or even be memorable. I was really hoping he could step it up, and i think he knows he has to. The good thing is that I like his relationship with Dan and Drew. I like that he at least has a personality, we just need to see more of it. I'm worried he will fade into the background. Legend status... i don't see it. I think he has a lot of work to do to reach that.

Heidi - She was already likely at legend status but wasn't someone who I was necessarily super excited about when I think of the biggest characters/players in Stranded history. This season, she has well beyond proven that she is that. She has cemented her Legend status and is so brilliant here I can't even. By far one of the defining characters this season, she has driven most pre-merge and now post merge storylines. She's the spearhead of an alliance and fighting hard against the opposing alliance. She's got a public feud with Sugar. Literally everything she says is a gift to us. Every extra day she is in this game is a blessing. I hope she can make it deep. I don't know if that's possible given how big of a target and personality she is, but she has reached Teresa levels of entertainment with this season. I think she's gone from maybe Legend to complete must-have legendary player in this season and kudos to her for that.

Nate - I think one of the most surprising and delightful All-stars to emerge from this season is Nate. He was almost a fringe pick for Faroe Islands. I was convinced by his post-season activity to cast him here, but boy am I glad he did. He went from solid UTR strategist (of which there are plenty) to OTT strategic mastermind. That double idol play... legendary. The fact that he isn't even seen as someone that should go home after that... amazing. The fact that he is smack dab in the middle of this merge and will likely decide how the season goes is incredible. I see him being a huge power player in this game. I think he could make it deep. I see him going around final 6-final 4 again, booted for being too big of a threat to win. It's impressive he's able to get in that position here. Depending on how he ends up, he definitely has the makings of a Stranded Legend. He still has to prove that by playing a pivotal role this season, but he's well on the way.

Ozzy - Similar to Nate, he's someone who went out pre-merge, was seen as a threat and a great player but not a huge character. This season he's elevated his game and has proven that he is worthy of All-stars. He is playing one of the best games. I see him, like Nate and Drew, being a swingvote for much of the merge and dictating how the season ends up. I think he could very well win, but he's got to watch becoming too big of a target. I give him slightly less of a chance than Nate. He's got to burn that idol and he's got to do it so no one views him as a huge threat after he burns it. Or he will definitely be seen as too threatening to win. It's a sticky wicket. I think he's absolutely proven him self here and if he can go out like he has been playing, he will deserve a Legends nod for sure. Definitely one of the best players this season.

Penner - Penner came into this game very popular as far as winners go and he has remained as such. Penner's got a problem though and it stemmed from Richard/Mookie with Dalegate. I think he's too big of a threat now to make it near the end game. That wasn't previously true. That said he's still very popular and he's a great player so if anyone can make it to the end with that kind of target, I think Penner can do it. If he does do that he's an absolute legend. If he goes out early merge for being a threat, idk if he has reached Legend status to be honest, It would depend. But if he makes it deep this season and proves he is without a doubt a huge character, then yes he would be a Legend. Still, I have enjoyed him much more than I anticipated this season and I cannot wait to see how he does here.

Richard - Oh Richard, Richard, Richard. He was doing amazingly in this game until his collosal fuck up with Dale. That said, I really love the underdog story he's building here. I think he has potential to ironically 'dale' this season and become someone that the cast hates and doesn't respect, but actually plays a decent game. I think he could easliy be brought to the end as being dislikable. I think he's actually a decent playe rand I can't wait for him to bumblefuck and trainwreck his way through this season. Of course, i do love underdog stories and I would actually like to see him emerge as a great player who overcomes great odds. Either way is entertaining to be honest. Depending on how this goes he could still reach Legend status. He's a great character and he's proven that here. I don't think likability is on his side here. I don't see a way he could possibly win unless he gets to the end and pulls the "against all odds" gag. But still, his unlikability makes it a bit easier for him to make it to the end so... either way he's a central part of the storylines after the addresses so I appreciate that.

Rocky - Rocky is a hilarious character. He's also a good player. I think he was at his strongest in this second swap when he was kind of in the middle. But now that we've merged, my fears are what they always were for Rocky. That he'll fall too far into the background. I think if he can get more into the mix of things he'll stand a better shot. Unless he goes on to win here and makes a name for himself in this season, I don't see him reaching Legend status unfortunately. That said he's a great character and certainly worthy of an All-stars title. It depends on the week for Rocky. Sometimes he's great and sometimes he's invisible. At the time of writing this he's invisible so it's a hard one. I'm sure as we get deeper into the game my opinions will change and I'll definitely write about that when they do. I think for sure he goes deep here.

Sierra - I think she stands the strongest chance to win here. She's a really solid player and has thus far gone completely UTR. I think once Dan goes she will have a long way before she is targetted and i think hse has the smarts and the skills to maneuver her way through the end game. I think she should shine then. She hasn't to this point and taht's a bit disheartening but I think she knows what she's doing. She's got a long way to go to reach legend status, but... winning would certainly help! She's not as entertaining here, but that's because she's lying VERY low.

Sugar - I think the past few days have solidified Sugar's legend status. She wasn't there before but her feistiness has reached peak levels and I'm living for it. I hope she can go out in a blaze of glory if her days are numbered (as they seem to be). Her feud with Heidi and her refusal to bow to Dan during that Council were amazing. She's now working with Dan and htey have a mutual respect which is amazing. I think she's an absolute star this season. She proved that last season obviously, but now she's reaching new heights. i hope she can hang on a bit longer and really fuck this game up strategically and go from OTT Character to serious threat to win. That's her next magic trick.

Tammy - I actually give Tammy the winners nod. She's got the perfect mix of threatening and non-threatening. She's proven her all-stars worth after all these years and I have a feeling by the end of this season will graduate to Legend and prove that she's a must have in any Stranded legend season. She's really put in the work this season and I'm living for it. She doesn't really have anything to prove in that she's a legendary gamer outside of Stranded, but it's amazing to see her return to this series and finally make a name for herself outside of helpful co host. I think she's played this game great and she's also ensured that after Heidi goes (if she goes) she will still have some ground to stand on. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how she plays the rest of the season. It's been a blast watching her this far <3

Val - Up until this point I was regretting casting Val, but now the early days of Val's game are coming full circle. But now I really think since she has made the merge, we might finally see an OTT Val. At least I hope so. She seems to be getting tired of her wrap thus far and I'm living for her alliance with Ozzy. I could really see the two of them bouncing inbetween these two alliances until they end up where they want to be. I think they are a great alliance and actually Ozzy could elevate her to a new level. That said, I want to see Val step up herself. She has a great personality and she has great game sense. i love that she has said herself "being under the radar wont work like it did in indonesia" and I am so proud of her for seeing that. She doesn't need to be completely OTT, at least not yet, but she does need to be visible. I think she's finally seeing that and I'm looking forward to what that means for her game.
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Jeff Probst

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