By Lisa Whelchel
#308 Alright friends, it's time to get back in to Stranded and I'm very excited. I'll be posting in here whenever I feel like reading through everything and updating you all on how I feel about people in this game. Yay. This first post will be about Nauru (my faves castwise) and then I'll do others by post.

- Their board presences are really fun. I really like how Sugar made the "getting to know you" thread, and then Drew immediately comes in and is a smarmy little Drew icon_lol It's good shit. Dale and flicka also really grabbed at me more than I'd thought they would've which is a pleasant surprise.

- Going down the line in confessionals, Dale's first. he's really good actually. It's a very solid confessional and since I'm not totally familiar with him, I'm liking him so far. I do find it funny that he's bashing Missy in his confessional too, which is especially funny. As of right now he's doing pretty well for himself and I can see him surviving in this tribe. His only neg is targeting Laura B which is a big no no icon_whistling

- Next is Drew. Maybe starting with Dale was a bad idea, but Drew's fun, in a different way. Drew is very excited to play which is good, and his personality matches the actual Drew, which I can appreciate. I find it cute that both Dale and Drew want to keep each other safe for the sake fo being partners, which it's like, totally not in their best interests for a little while.

- Flicka is someone I was always planning on watching and she's really bringing it which is fun. Audio confessionals are always fun, even if they do make for finding specific evidence a little difficult. (tangent: IDK, if I would do audio confeshes since I like to be able to look back on what I've written and go from there, but I can understand the value of them). alol, though the first thing about the confessional being about Lilliana icon_lol I am so thrilled to see things pan on out with her, I just want her to get a bit more self-confidence and then things will be good.

- YASSSSSSSSSS my girl Laura B. For the record, she and I are good friends outside of this game and it's always fun to watch a friedn really play. I was told before hand that she was going to play up the midwestern mom things, which won't end well for her, but at least it'll be fun to watch. At least she's bringing it hardcore with confessionals. I'm thrilled she did well in the first puzzle though because she would probably be a target prettty soon if not for that performance. But hey, still rooting for her.

- I'm also really fixated on Liliana since they whole feud with Flicka. While she hasn't given us much to work with, there's a lot we can infer about her. She's doing alright socially, and she's on the same ground as Rocky so it seems, She's trying to be less cringey, but like, girl, it ain't that easy (speaking from experience). I'll keep my eye on her.

- Rachel is going to be lazy and that's really a shame for her, though maybe she lucked out? It seems liekthe vibe over here is that everyone is sending quicker shorter messages, which kinda lines up well for Rachel... though if she's really gonna try to glide by, I could see Laura being cutthroat and just dumping her when people start getting anti-Rachel. I guess we'll see what happens.

- Rocky is about what I expected. I guess he'll be ok, since he seems to be integrating himself decently well. IDK about him though.

- Sugar is cute and she's very excited. apparently she writes good confessionals? IDK, I guess we'll see about that. She seems to be doing decently well socially, which is a positive for her though. Her plans seem to revolve aroundbeing super tight to her initial tribe which like, if that even comes to fruition, that oculd come in to bite her in the long haul, but then again that's very far off.
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Lisa Whelchel

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By Lisa Whelchel
#310 Pohnpei next.

- Their whole tribe leader thread is a fucklol. Like Mookie saying he is "pretty good at puzzles 7/10". I don't know why that's so funny to me, but I guess it is lol. Dan is definitely playing himself up and I think I would hate to play with him, knowing my history with our pal Papa Bear, but I guess we'll see what comes of Dan's social presence. Oh and Haydumb still exists icon_laughing And they're all going hardcore meme in that one other thread, thanks Nate.

- So back to Dan, he's something alright. he's going for that idol, which I guess if he wants to do, then he can go for it. He's keen on working with Nate, even if he's focusing a bit too much about other games. like on the one hand, I get the whole, "Oh we were friends before we can be friends again" thing, but it doesn't always just happen like that (@Mia). He'll be one to watch, but I can see him having an epic downfall.

- Haydumb's back for round 4 y'all! Aaaaaand he hasn't changed one bit icon_laughing I mean, he's adorable, and I think he's doing decently well for himself, but he's definitely top dog of this tribe, that's for sure. He can probably UTRfun himself through these first few rounds, but he'll definitely need to pick things up when he makes it to a swap. And he fucking lucked out hardcore by having Katie as his secret group partner (hence me being very sure he'll make it to the next phase of this game).... but more on that later.

- I am actually kinda excited for Jessica? Is that bad that I wasn't before, but I am now? Her Dan hatred <3 Her love of Mookie <3 Her knawwwledge of Nate's shady dealings <3 I don't forsee her envisioned Faroe Four lasting overly long, but it's a cute little start to something I think. I hope she does well.

- Ay Katie, where you at gurl? She's the first boot from this tribe and there's very little she's going to be able to do about it... if she even bothers. This is why Hayden is lucky. His partner is inactive and he's got a free ride. Talk about a lucky break. And mystery meat (@Poods)

- I liked seeing Mookie evolve form a 2nd boot to the winner in back to back seasons, so it shows of how competent of a player he is. He's very expressive with what he wants to do, but I don't think him playing the exact same game will go well for him. Like, it's REALLY difficult to win, let alone twice, though I wouldn't know. I think he'll be one to watch, but I have a feeling he'll fall off right around the merge.

- Nate is funny. Not tons of depth on his end aside from bitching about his tribesmates, but I can still appreciate the whole spammy thoughts thread. Though, I'm obviously not a huge fan of abortion jokes, but w/e.

- Ozzy is already on this shit like white on rice, so congrats to him. He's already on top of finding that idol, and his thought process seems to make sense too. IDK If there's an actual place for hosts to see the true idol solution, or whatever, but I would put my money on Ozzy probably finding that idol. I think I want him to do well here too, if only because he's got a fantastic underdog arc so far.

- Who is Sierra? Hopefully she shows up.
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Lisa Whelchel

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By Lisa Whelchel
#312 Saipan last, a lot of fun people I was pregame rooting for too.

- Cassandra first. ORrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr not.

- Let's try my guy Chris. Oh, he's also quiet. Ok. At least I'm not there to bother him this time icon_laughing

- We're having better luck with Heidi, one of the players I consider to be a big-ass powerhouse player in this game if they do things right. I am loving her roasts and her just shitty trolly attitude, this one particular made me laugh aloud in the library where I'm typing this.

Heidi wrote:Val is just as bad as Nadiya. I was hoping to co-host Stranded with Special Needs, but it looks like I already missed it.

But yeah, hardcore N-Vibes from her if we were edgicing this shit.

- Natadiya needs to stop worrying about what Val did last season and step into the limelight for herself. She's gotta develop herself. Her main focus is Val, and like, that's gotta change. She doesn't trust Heidi that much, but like she's socially fine I think. i'm glad she likes my guy Rich though. Seems like she's playing this by ear, which may work for the first few rounds, but like, she's gonna need to pick it up if she wants any shot of doing well here.

- I remember really liking Penner in his original season, even if I wanted Candice to win, and I'm still thoroughly enjoying him here. He seems to be doing fantastically socially and that's really good for him so I'm thinking that with the right moves he could easily find himself on the top of this tribe, like right away. I'll be watching him here for sure.

- My boi Rich (he and I are now pals) is back and he's doing very well for himself it seems. He's hating on himself a little too much because he's honestly doing just fine. He's close with Penner and Heidi which are good things for him, He;'s got Chris as his partner which is even better, and he's probably going to make the next part of this game like Hayden if people decide to boot Chris early. Though you never know, considering Chris isn't a slouch when he puts in the work.

- Tammy hasn't posted in her confessional and seems clueless on the board. What a shame.

- And to wrap up my cast thoughts, we've got last season's winner, Val. FUUUUUCK her confessionals are really good. They're insightful, well formatted and everything. She's very good with words and knowing Val, I have confidence that she'll do just as well as last time. Or at least, hopefully. I didn't think I'd be rooting for her, but here I am.

I am very excited. This is probably the most I'm going to type alol.
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Lisa Whelchel

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By Lisa Whelchel
#328 Of course it ends up being two people from Marquesas who are likely to be the first ones gone. Like sorry Katie and Chris but like, when you're not giving a shit about the game you'll be first gone and I won't feel bad about it. At this point I'd rather see them gone than anything. that way Nauru Blue or whatever they're called can at least survive a bit longer. I'm very happy that they seem to be the best challenge players, and if Laura's performance is anything to go by, I'm sure Nauru won't have any problems winning the first three (especially given Dan's abysmal performance alol)
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Lisa Whelchel

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By Lisa Whelchel
Dan wrote:
Kelly Wigles wrote:What about Jess makes you not like her? What has your interaction with her been like?

I don't really have a great reason TBH icon_laughing It's just that it feels like she's being a little fake or forced. Almost as if she's got her Faroe Faggots alliance and she doesn't need to work too hard on me. IDK. Just boring chat.

Dan is making me like him less and less. I actually feel like Jess, and if she's smart, she'll pick up on the fact that Dan doesn't really like her. It'll be easy for her too considering her indifference will likely lead to dislike as they end up on opposite ends of a vote (speaking from experience all too well).
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