6th Place | 8th Juror | 4-2 Vote
By Jeff Probst
#3296 First of all, Congratulations for making the merge on this All-stars season! It's a big accomplishment, you've outlasted 11 players, nearly half of the players in this game.

Here's where the real fun begins. Where legends are made and the real season is defined. I want to wish you the best of luck and I know I don't have to tell you this because you already know... Leave it all in the game, don't waste any opportunities because you may not get another chance to redo them.

So I have a lot of questions but I'll start with a few:

1. Now that the Merge is here and it has gone to an Individual game, how will your strategy change?

2. Are you worried about any alliances or groups in particular? Do you think that the previous tribal breakdowns will factor into this merge at all?

3. Are you concerned with any threats in the game, and if you are a threat... are you concerned with being targetted for being a threat?

4. Now that the merge is upon us, players begin to look towards the finals and WINNING the game. How do you plan on proving to your other players that you deserve to win amongst all of these all-stars?

5. Who would you ideally like to team up with and who do you want to see gone ASAP? Are you planning on stepping outside of your comfort zone and making new allies/friends in this merge?
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Jeff Probst

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By Sugar
#3309 I'll be working with Drew/Rocky/Dan/Hayden and maybe Sierra

everybody else can beat it.....first on my list is Heidi. she wants to make this personal....fine it's on! come at me Bitch!!!!

no new friends, no new allies, I stick to the people I trust and I'll put in the best fight I can for Nauru and most importantly for Flicks
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By Kelly Wigles
#3370 Sugar, since we have a few days before any events, do you mind talking to us about your history with the game? How were you recruited for your original season and how did that game go?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Sugar
#3397 would love to, would you like my "Sugar" only history or the awesomeness that is me from the beginning?
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By Sugar
#3405 Once upon a time in the long, long ago.....I used to be an avid poster on Sucks, Probst fired me a message one day asking if I'd be interested in a game...now this was before the "official" stranded days so we were all very new to the process. I got saddled with a buxom vixen from Marquesas and made her my own, I don't think much was expected of me but I fought hard played a great social game and won the damn thing. Then there was a semi ASS where I would return, the season was mired in controversy and was cancelled.

Awhile went by before I was to return, I was now a throw away character from Cook Islands and through some ballsy decision making I found myself with another title!. I returned again as a new character a little higher profile from Cook and didn't really do as well (I think people were on to me). I had a long hiatus before I returned this time in an actual Stranded game where I was to be a popular fella from Guat...I fought hard and left most of it on the table, just couldn't overcome that pesky controlling alliance.

Then the great debut of my most classic incarnation, Miss Sugar made her debut in Zambia....my social game was again on point but I found myself at the bottom of a tribe led by a turbo bitch....despite many public fights it wasn't long before she got rid of me. I figured my Stranded days had passed me by but Probst asked me to return once more in Suriname, probably my favorite game to date, sure I didn't win but I met some top quality "friends" and had a blast as Flicks and I ran around panicked but calculated and damn near pulled it off. But alas it was not meant to be the challenge beast Sophie kept winning and instead of sticking together and voting out Jenna, Mookie went for me and I went for Mookie and his idol sent me packing and Flicks the following TC.

again I figured that was most likely my last hurrah, but here I am fighting an uphill battle with my Flicks gone from the game and me with my trust in people I've never played with before deciding my fate....my only goal left is to destroy the pre-game alliance and make sure that the mean girl Heidi finds her spot on the jury. Anything after that would be pure gold, I do feel that however it turns out that this will most likely be my last game for awhile. I'm always honored to be asked and it's always a good time but it's time for the game to change again before I could think about a return.....Plus I'm not ready to retire Miss Sugar just yet, maybe we'll have a Hall of Fame edition one day?
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By Sugar
#3414 my details are a little foggy as my database is not as deep as Probst's, but those are the bullet points from my memory
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By Kelly Wigles
#3421 That's pretty awesome thanks for that, do you feel like there's some sort of unfinished business between you and Stranded as you've won many games outside of this franchise but has yet to win this one?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Sugar
#3429 in a word YES, to get more into it....I've changed as a person somewhat and the game has grown light years, I'm not saying that my pre-stranded wins were a fluke, it was just a different time and game.

The players now are so challenge savvy and idol hunting savvy and some of them chat outside the game. My game is 85% social, my challenge game has gone to shit and I don't even try looking for idols because they seem to get found within minutes. I'd love to win a Stranded but much like the character I portray, I feel like I might have to settle for just being a loveable favorite....and part of me is pretty OK with that
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