5th Place | 9th Juror | 3-2 Vote
By Jeff Probst
#3791 Well that was an insane round.

Richard's gone, Public Immunity Idols, Hidden Immunity idols. What does this mean for your game and how does it change (if at all) going forward?
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Jeff Probst

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By Ozzy
Jeff Probst wrote:Well that was an insane round.

Richard's gone, Public Immunity Idols, Hidden Immunity idols. What does this mean for your game and how does it change (if at all) going forward?

Honestly, fuck Val. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. How the fuck do you expect me to trust you when you go and change your shit right before our challenge with no reason besides you hate him?! She effectively took away a majority vote from the people that actually wanted to work with her. And I'm sure as hell not working with her further. GO FUCK OFF VAL.

I had no idea what to do during the vote, so I just wrote Dan and moved along with my life. I figured it wouldn't mean anything (and in retrospect I should've just voted Rich) and I was right. Although it proved to Heidi and Tammy that I'm trustworthy to them so that's nice. But it does nothing for me because I'm on the outs now. I have my idol for next round (and I might search more for the new idol, though the clue is so fucking obscure that I barely know where to start... good job Trash), but I'd rather not use it just yet. Honestly I'm not sure what else to do. Need to think of a solution.
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By Ozzy
#3858 Clue #1.
Your new home conceals a treasure most desire,
Searching land and sea endlessly, times truly must be dire.
A tip for your journey, spending time in Tarawa is a waste,
It's not easy, but who's desperate? I suggest you make haste.
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By Ozzy
Ozzy wrote:Clue #1.
Your new home conceals a treasure most desire,
Searching land and sea endlessly, times truly must be dire.
A tip for your journey, spending time in Tarawa is a waste,
It's not easy, but who's desperate? I suggest you make haste.

I've got nothing. I've looked all over Kiribati, but I don't know where to go next. Nate seems to think it's the utwe-walung thing, but IDK. And Val mentioned the red beach (which is what ou get by typing in "pirate treaure kiribati" on google, and I don't think that it.

One of the cool things I found was that the Phoenix Islands were a site that Amelia Earhart may have landed during the flight she got lost at. And I'm stretching but the line "searching land and sea endlessly" makes me think of searching for something or someone that was never found. Plus she was in the air, neither land nor sea. I'M GOING CRAZY AND I'M TIRED.
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By Ozzy
#3884 Thinkin about getting the vote pushed on me and using the idol. Crazy idea? Maybe.
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By Ozzy
#3886 What? Since when? Do I still have the Mookie immunity?
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By Jeff Probst
Ozzy wrote:What? Since when? Do I still have the Mookie immunity?

Yes fool we went over that at the top of last Tribal Council. I gave you the option of giving one immunity away or keeping it for the next council.
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Jeff Probst

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By Ozzy
#3889 I'm illiterate apparently.
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By Kelly Wigles
#3895 Hey Ozzy, having the idol and also having immunity tonight, while having everyone in Dan's crew trusting you enough to tell you who they're voting for, do you think this would be an ample opportunity to flip the tables on them with a well-placed idol play?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hey Ozzy, having the idol and also having immunity tonight, while having everyone in Dan's crew trusting you enough to tell you who they're voting for, do you think this would be an ample opportunity to flip the tables on them with a well-placed idol play?

Yea that's the plan Wigles! Hopefully we get their correct target and Val doesn't fuck us over again. I figure might as well go hard while I can.
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By Kelly Wigles
#3899 Do you think there's a way where you don't have to trust someone who's fucked you over already?
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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Do you think there's a way where you don't have to trust someone who's fucked you over already?

People that haven't fucked me over include - Heidi, Tammy, Penner, Rocky(?) and I guess Sugar(?). Technically everyone else has pulled some shit behind my back that I found out about. I'm trying to not listen 100% to what Val says because I think she's fucking around, but she's the easiest in there. Unless Hayden tells me?
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By Kelly Wigles
#3904 Well considering it'll be an idol play for someone, do you really need to tell people about it?
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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Well considering it'll be an idol play for someone, do you really need to tell people about it?

Oh I'm not going around telling everyone I'm using the idol on ____________, but if we can get the right target then I can use my idol properly. Heidi and Penner are the only two that think I'd use the idol tonight. Everybody else just assumes I have an idol, but not whether or not I'm playing it. Does that answer your question?
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By Kelly Wigles
#3907 That makes sense. So I guess if you have your main crew concentrating their votes on one person to ensure majority once the idol is in play, you should be fine.
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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:That makes sense. So I guess if you have your main crew concentrating their votes on one person to ensure majority once the idol is in play, you should be fine.

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By Ozzy
#4206 Clue #2.
Travel to the East, but too far and you'll pass.
It's not the natives you want to find on your path.
Can you swim, can you fly, only time will tell.
Don't relax or lose your chance at safety as well.
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By Vitinho
#4212 how big is the target on your back right now?
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