5th Place | 9th Juror | 3-2 Vote
By Jeff Probst
#4219 Another round of Stranded, another blindside...

What did you make of the events of tonight and how do you plan on acting on them moving forward?
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Jeff Probst

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By Ozzy
Jeff Probst wrote:Another round of Stranded, another blindside...

What did you make of the events of tonight and how do you plan on acting on them moving forward?

Okay but like, HOLY SHIT Y'ALL. That was fucking fun. I wish I could have that kind of tribal every time! It's so gratifying to plan a move that big and have it go off PERFECTLY. God I'm still fucking amped from it.

As for moving forward... no fucking clue icon_lol I've only planned up to here and now not sure.

I'm keeping Dan and Sierra close obviously, but know they'll probably boot me soon enough (doubt immediately, which is great, but soon). I'm hoping we can push for a Rocky or Sugar vote tomorrow, ideally Sugar. We don't talk anymore so I have reasons and we can play up the UTR threat that Heidi was worried about. I think it'll also be a safe move that most people will agree with. AND AND AND, as long as that goes through it'll be Dan/Sierra/Hayden/Rocky left against the crew, so even if Val decides to be a fuck and flip again, she'd be screwed!

I really don't see Heidi, Tammy, or Penner flipping on me (until like late game). Nate will likely stick until he needs to flip (which might be one more round honestly) and Val is here with us. We have to boot one of Sugar or Rocky next to continue on.

Heidi I think really wants our six to go to F6, but I'm not about that life. I'll keep Heidi/Tammy/Penner, but that's it.

Sugar, then maybe Val? That might not be a bad option. That way she can't flip. We tell her it's Dan and vote her ass out. I've already been vocal with Heidi about it, so maybe that's a good route. IDK I make all these grand plans and then shit changes because there's 11 of us fuckers still here.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4282 Interesting, so from what you're saying, it seems like you've noticed that Val has a lot of sway in terms of what happens in the game, what with her ties to both main alliances and having successfully flipped twice. Does that concern you at all?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Interesting, so from what you're saying, it seems like you've noticed that Val has a lot of sway in terms of what happens in the game, what with her ties to both main alliances and having successfully flipped twice. Does that concern you at all?

Yea she seems to be in good graces with both sides. We accepted her after fucking us over last round, who's to say they won't accept her this round? And then will we accept her back? I don't know. Heidi mentioned this three strikes rule (after your third flip, nobody trusts you) and I do believe that could be true. How can you rely on someone that's just going to flip around? AND I will say, to Val's credit if she wasn't planning on working with us longer she could've just leaked our plan to him. So she definitely has sway and I think the next move needs to take some of that away from her. Not sure how yet, but we'll see.

I'd really like for us to boot Sugar next, but swaying Heidi/Tammy to not boot Dan is going to be tough. Maybe I can just call in a favor after using my idol on Heidi? I think keeping Dan around another round would be beneficial. Although I won't be around much Thursday so do I take that chance down the road? There are so many options.

It's nice to feel on top of the game for once. Having a plan work out seamlessly is nice. I'm gonna bask in it.
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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:What's the rationale for voting out Sugar though?

Technically nothing. It's more rooted in the thought that there's no chance in really working with sugar long term where Dan could be an asset. Rocky and I also have talked much more than sugar and I so she'd be lower on my totem pole than he is. But yea she's not a threat to anyone and is just floating along. Might be a good goat. But if I'm thinking that then many people probably are, and if she's here near the end that's someone who can take my spot. Dan will always be a target, always always always. So why not take out a goat so others don't have that goat?

The way I rationalize it in my head is that you have to keep yourself mid to low of everyone's target list. Too high and you're an immediate threat, get taken out faster. Too low and you're a non entity that people won't vote for. So you stay mid way down. If I'm higher on the target list (which I think I am now on people's radars more so than before) than I need to eliminate some lower end players to lower my standing without compromising game "points" for the jury. Does that make sense?
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By Kelly Wigles
#4306 You talked about a three strikes rule with Val and her flipping, if she flips a third time, you are potentially on the receiving end of that flip, does that concern you at all?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:You talked about a three strikes rule with Val and her flipping, if she flips a third time, you are potentially on the receiving end of that flip, does that concern you at all?

Yea that's what I'm most concerned with. And I think she's close to Dan so it could be a flip on me! I'm hoping she wouldn't but you never know I guess.

Plan is to be nice and friendly to her but talk little game and be more "IDK what's happening" so she doesn't think I'm all high and mighty. The more she sees me as a threat, the more she'll want to flip. Just need to get rid of one more from that side and then she can flip all she wants.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4312 It's interesting that you're approach is to not talk game when you yourself have stated that not talking game is a sign of trouble.
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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:It's interesting that you're approach is to not talk game when you yourself have stated that not talking game is a sign of trouble.

I think the focus of my talks with val won't be game centered. I'll make sure it's consistent with our other talks but I don't want her thinking about me as a gamebot here. That's what I meant.
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By Mia Galeotalanza
#4342 Ozzy baby. Come to Mia. Tell me, do you think you can win this game? If so, who do you have to go up against? How do you sell yourself?
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Mia Galeotalanza

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By Ozzy
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Ozzy baby. Come to Mia. Tell me, do you think you can win this game? If so, who do you have to go up against? How do you sell yourself?

Dude I don't know yet. I had a dream last night that I did (and it was magic), but I don't really know. I've given myself a larger target than I'd like but without the target I'd be a nonentity and would have to work HARDER to win. At least now I have something on my resume. I don't know.

I cannot go up against Penner, or maybe I can? people think he's been doing nothing but I've seen him working with people on votes and I KNOW he'll have a strong FTC showing based on Faroe, so hmm.
I cannot go up against Sierra. The dude has a way with words and makes everything sound fucking great to you, so that's scary in a FTC scenario.
I think Heidi would be scary too. She's vocal and has risen from the bottom (you're welcome) so she has a good story. Depends on the next few rounds, but I'd say no.
Sugar, Rocky, and Hayden are, in my opinion, goats right now. Sugar and Rocky probably will stay that way, Hayden could pull something off but who knows. He could be the mastermind behind the whole thing.
Nate has bounced around similar to me, found idols like me, was on the outs like me... I don't know that's too similar for my taste. Might be difficult.
Val should be seen as a threat since she's comfortably riding the middle and everyone relies on her, and a jury could definitely respect that type of game (especially since she's won before, what a story she would have) but IIRC her FTC wasn't great.
Tammy would be a good person, I think she's relied on Heidi so far and has ridden a coattail, if you will. Again still lots of game to be played, but that's my view.
Dan I go back and forth on. part of me thinks the jury wouldn't give him a vote, but part of me thinks they would. He HAS been playing a great game and it would be people like Heidi tainting his image (although I don't think she could do that). So maybe no for him as well.

What does that leave us... Sugar, Rocky, maybe Hayden, maybe Penner, Tammy. I'll think on it some more.

I don't have my pitch down yet, still need to build it. The pre-merge is NOT going to help me win anything, so this merge portion is important. Just need to have things play out more.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4379 Hey Ozzy, could you give us an update on your plan to vote out Sugar? Is your alliance completely on board with this?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hey Ozzy, could you give us an update on your plan to vote out Sugar? Is your alliance completely on board with this?

Whoops guess I didn't update. Voting Dan actually. I tried to suggest Sugar or even Rocky but Heidi won't change her vote and Penner is set on Dan too, so if two people are already going one direction, I can't just bulldoze. Plus it DOES get rid of the fucking pairs twist finally, so it has some pros.

My other option would be to switch to the "Dan side" of things, but I can't really do that without burning bridges, plus it'd be majorly hypocritical of me and that doesn't earn you jury votes.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4397 What are the main benefits, from your personal game standpoint, of taking Dan out?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:What are the main benefits, from your personal game standpoint, of taking Dan out?

Gives idols to Tammy/Heidi (who will either burn them or use them for our betterment, 95% sure).
Gets rid of a strong player and the other side likely won't stick together, so opens doors to new alliances being made (should I call them alliances at this point?).
The side I'm on has the numbers advantage in case it IS better to stick together. Options are good.
Heidi becomes a decent target for our group to turn on itself.

Just some thoughts.
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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Is there anyone in the game that you would never vote against?

At this point, I don't think so. The people I'm closest to (Heidi and Penner) are apt at the game and I don't know that I want to sit next to them in FTC. Plus I don't like the rigidness of plans like that, gotta stay open to opportunities, stay flexible.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4412 Answer this whenever you have ample time since the challenge is about to start, do you mind reflecting for a moment on the difference in terms of caliber players between this season and Suriname?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:Answer this whenever you have ample time since the challenge is about to start, do you mind reflecting for a moment on the difference in terms of caliber players between this season and Suriname?

In Suriname I think I caught a lucky break being on a tribe with Gabe and Kimmi. We got tight real quick and had a good trust between us all (HI KIMMI IF YOU'RE READING). And then the swap put us on the right side of the numbers thanks to Mookie. The players were similar caliber in terms of pre-merge. We just had more options and it was easier to skate by vote after vote. That is until YOU got me icon_lol you big butthead!

I think in viewing the post-merge of Suri players didn't get to shine as much because there was the constant focus on Sohpie and then she'd win immunity and people would last minute pick a person. This season feels like there's more layers and more people convincing each other.
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