By Jeff Probst
#4226 Another round of Stranded, another blindside...

What did you make of the events of tonight and how do you plan on acting on them moving forward?
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Jeff Probst

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By Tammy
#4237 Tonight's events were AMAZING! Heidi and I worked all day to make sure that we had the 6 of us sticking together here, and we knew it was a 50/50 shot that they'd vote for Heidi or I, but it all worked out. Ozzy played his idol on Heidi, and we blindsided them with a Drew vote. As soon as I saw Dan freak out and play his hidden idol, I knew we were golden and had pulled it off. The fact that Dan fell for Nate's fake HII was just icing on top of the cake. Dan deserved that. He went stomping around threatening people that if he didn't get his way they'd "be next" and it's like, who do you think you're scaring? icon_rolleyes

Right now I feel great about things, and now I want to make a play for those necklaces for Heidi and I. This is our opportunity to get them, and I don't want to pass it up.

THIS is the Stranded I remember, and I can't believe I'm back having this much fun 7 FREAKIN YEARS LATER! icon_mml I can't get over that.
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  • Kiribati Tribe
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By Tammy
#4393 I sent a PM meant for one group to the wrong group. I'm hoping people are too dumb to pick up on it but I doubt it. it wasn't THAT bad, but if Penner or Nate pick up on it then that could be awful but I'm hoping there's too much tension between them and the other side that they won't do anything here (especially cause they don't even need to). Ugh I'm such an idiot, I'm not used to group messages, I'm like an old person trying to use new technology icon_cry
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  • Kiribati Tribe
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By Tammy
#4406 the PM was to the group of 6 (me, Heidi, Penner, Nate, Ozzy and Val), but in it I mentioned the group of 4 (me, Heidi, Ozzy and Val) but I didn't say names specifically. I think it's easy enough for Nate or Penner to pick up on but I'm hoping that they have enough ties to this alliance that they wouldn't feel comfortable just outright flipping. and I'm going to bury them with messages so that they might even over-look it.
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  • Kiribati Tribe
  • Posts: 357