By Kelly Wigles
#5479 Sup Tammy! here are some questions for round 14:

1)How are you feeling so far? Looks like you were on the wrong end of a betrayal last night, any thoughts on that?

2)After the craziness of that tribal, could you give me a ranking of the people in the game based on most to least trustworthy?
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By Jeff Probst
#5527 Could you also rank to me who you think are the biggest targets on the tribe. Start with the least threatening to the most threatening in the game (as in, who you think the players remaining in the game view as their biggest threats)
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By Tammy
#5549 So first to start I want to start by saying: I am SO excited to have won that immunity challenge today icon_wub . I mean as someone who came into this not knowing anyone and having no idea what had happened on past seasons, I feel like it says a lot that I was basically the most perceptive about the dynamics on the tribe and people's feelings about each other. I think to me it kind of proved to myself that I have grown a lot since the last time I played and that I'm definitely in a much different place with the way I can relate to people and read people. Also winning immunity this round means I get to hang onto my necklace for another round icon_mml I know the guys are pissed because the necklace means I have leverage. I'm not going anywhere for a while icon_mml

How are you feeling so far? Looks like you were on the wrong end of a betrayal last night, any thoughts on that?

On the one hand, it confirmed all of the suspicions that I've had about the guys. They're tight and they can't be trusted. The boys lied to us and voted Val out. It was just so unnecessary, and I'm not just taking it on the chin. I'm letting them know how I feel about it, and I'm going to make sure they know how badly they fucked up. I'm not leaving, I'm safe next Tribal Council no matter what, so you've just pissed off someone who is gonna be around for a while and who is gonna potentially be picked up by the other alliance to vote against you? It was incredibly dumb. and then Penner just comes right out and admits that it would have been Heidi or I had we not both been immune icon_rolleyes it's not like we didn't know that, but how stupid can you be? What was your long-term plan with any of this? Dumb. Incredibly dumb, I don't know what those boys were thinking playing us like that. and the worst part was Penner trying to blame it on us for not burning our necklaces last round, like we brought this on ourselves or something.

I haven't liked Penner from the start. There's a reason that he was a popular answer for the biggest backstabber in that immunity challenge survey. We weren't allies for one round before he started toying with the idea of screwing us over, and now he's gone and done it for no reason.

I mean I would have loved to screw the boys over here if we could have but since they drew first blood now I have no reason to hold back.

After the craziness of that tribal, could you give me a ranking of the people in the game based on most to least trustworthy?

Heidi is the most trustworthy person in this game for me, I never have to censor myself with her and I know that she's got my back here no matter what. I said in the beginning that having an ally is the most valuable thing in this game and I feel like the fact that Heidi and I trusted each other and saw the bigger picture is the reason we're the last pair standing in this game and still in-tact this far into it. and if we play it right, we can make it even further. It's wild, I never expected the old school girls to come in and do this well.

Sierra is the second most trustworthy person to me, and then Hayden after that. I've worked with both of them for a while now despite being in opposite alliances. They've had my back and I've had theirs, and I feel like now is where I can try to cash in on those relationships to make a move against the boys.

I guess Sugar would be after them? I mean I voted for her and I know she hates Heidi so I only trust her so much, but she seems like she's a pretty straight-shooter and I don't think she'd be so dumb as to want to throw away her own game to try to get rid of me and Heidi.

the least trustworthy people in this game are the boys from my last alliance, for sure. I don't even think I could decide which one is the worst because they're all liars. they all lied right to my face. I blame Penner the most because this has his greedy-but-also-stupid fingers all over it.

Could you also rank to me who you think are the biggest targets on the tribe. Start with the least threatening to the most threatening in the game (as in, who you think the players remaining in the game view as their biggest threats)

I think that right now, Heidi is one of the bigger targets on this tribe. People are going to try to split the two of us up, and I think Heidi is the one they'd try to take out first. On the one hand, she's a bigger personality and I think looks like more of a leader, and I think I'm also more protected. Not just because I have immunity, but I think I've created stronger bonds socially so people think they can use me later on after Heidi is gone.

Ozzy and Nate are both huge threats on this tribe as well because they've made some of the bigger moves in this game. Ozzy playing the idol on Heidi and sending Drew home changed the course of the game, and that's a huge argument to be able to in front of the jury. Nate also played two idols, which is a huge deal. They're both amazing in challenges... and one of them is holding onto the current HII, for sure. I just don't know which of them it is. If I had my way, it would be one of these two leaving next. We have to get that idol out of the boys' hands.

Sierra is a huge social threat. She's played a great game, and being an underdog through the merge is going to be a huge selling point to the jury -- and honestly, she won't even need a selling point considering the jury will be all of her friends by the time she makes it there? So Sierra is definitely the front-runner to take this entire game, I think.

Hayden, Penner and Sugar aren't threats. Penner's a liar and super untrustworthy, but he's not a threat to win it. I don't think anyone really respects him or the game he's played.
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By Jeff Probst
#5556 Do you believe that people will be fighting over which goats they can bring to the end with them and as such, will be voting out the biggest threats each round? If so, where does that put you? Or do you think people are going with loyalty to the end?

You mentioned Nate and Ozzy as a pair that are threatening and yourself and Heidi as another pair that people are threatened by. Do you think everyone will be looking to split both of the pairs up?
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