5th Place | 9th Juror | 3-2 Vote
By Kelly Wigles
#5914 Hey Ozzy! Congrats on making it to the final 7!

1) What does it feel like making it this far into the merge compared to your last two seasons?

2)How did you feel about Nate playing the idol for Penner and then getting voted off? Where does that leave you in the tribe?

3) Also, do you mind talking to us about what you love about Survivor? Who's your favorite contestant of all time and why?
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By Ozzy
#5932 Hey Ozzy! Congrats on making it to the final 7!

1) What does it feel like making it this far into the merge compared to your last two seasons?

First of all, I just took a small propeller plane to Boise and it was terrifying. Those things are rough.

I cannot believe I'm still here honestly. First time, quit. Second time, barely missed the merge. And now I'm in the final 7? Like holy fucking shit. That's awesome. And I can confidently say that I got here by building great connections with people and making some moves along the way. So glad I saved Heidi at F13 because I really think it repaid me by staying tonight. So glad I kept up with Sierra and Hayden because it saved me tonight. They both see me as crucial to their games moving forward and that puts me in the power position, which is definitely the place to be. Hopefully this will secure me at least F6 if not F5. I have options and that's what I want. I just need to find a path and people to take with me.

2)How did you feel about Nate playing the idol for Penner and then getting voted off? Where does that leave you in the tribe?
I don't know 100% obviously, but I think I got Nate to use the idol on Penner. Which ended up being needless but it helped me gain favor in the other camps. (SIDE NOTE: I almost switched my vote to Nate thinking that Penner's votes would be null and then a Tie between Nate and Sierra would result in Nate leaving. And I would keep my word to Sierra about not writing her name down at this tribal, I would gain favor with Heidi/Tammy by offering up Nate as the boot... win/win. But I didn't because I didn't want to burn Nate. Turns out, wouldn't have mattered.) Like I said above, I see myself as the swing position this and next round. Sierra/Hayden will see me and Penner as votes toward Heidi/Tammy and Heidi/Tammy will see myself and Penner as votes toward Sierra/Hayden. With just Sugar as a left over piece. And that's the main reason I want to take out Sugar this next round. I don't want to flip on Heidi or Sierra yet, so it's either her or Penner and I can't have Penner leave. Penner will stick by me, that I'm confident in. So he needs to stay as long as possible.

My biggest debate currently is if Penner is a FTC goat or not. I don't see him getting votes from Nate/Rocky/Val (although not sure if I would get those votes either). And if Heidi/Tammy are there, I don't see them voting for him either (though they may not vote for me if their boots seem unnecessary). So still up in the air.

There's still Hayden, who I really don't see getting votes but he may surprise me, and Tammy, who I also don't see getting votes being a tail end to Heidi. So that may be my ideal F3. But Penner could sneak in there and replace Tammy honestly, that's two vote for not Penner. Still a long way to go, but current thoughts are that. Just need to find the right path.

3) Also, do you mind talking to us about what you love about Survivor? Who's your favorite contestant of all time and why?
Survivor is my favorite thing, honestly. People have hobbies like hiking, painting, or some sport. But Survivor really is my hobby as weird as that sounds. I dedicate so many hours of my life to the show (TV, podcasts, the r/survivor sub, even daily conversations with friends/family/coworkers). It's something about playing this ultra social type of game that intrigues me. How people can maneuver relationships and people. How power dynamics work when relationships are at stake. And getting to play a version of it is exciting! Hopefully I can do the real thing one day.

It's also something I grew up with. My family has watched since the first season and it was a tradition of sorts. Every Thursday night (remember when it was on Thursdays?) we would watch and play our own version of it. We had challenges (rock paper scissors, stand on one leg, etc.) and would win doritos as a reward. We'd vote each other off and eat white rice out of pots with large wooden spoons. It was a family thing and still is. It has a lot of sentimental value to me too. My mom and I got really close through it. It's an important part of my life.

Favorite Survivor has to be Cirie. Watching this woman who was "on the couch" seasons prior take on this huge challenge and dominate was surreal. I mean, she was crucial in Panama, only losing to a fire making challenge. She was crucial in Micronesia, losing only to a final 2 that nobody planned for. And then HvV we won't talk about lol. She's the one who really perfected this idea that you didn't need to be a challenge beast, you just had to build connections and then manipulate those connections ot see things your way. It's devious and awesome. I will always welcome Cirie should she come back (and I would watch her play every season if I could).

I have a long day tomorrow and won't be at the challenge (or of any use in the challenge I should say) because I'm working a college fair. But I'll get my vote in and make sure to get to TC if I can.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5940 1) It appears you're traveling a lot for work, which is in admissions. Is there any common trend emerging with the students you're seeing/interviewing this year?

2)How would you relate a game like that of Cirie's to the real world? Do you feel like your love of Survivor affects your day to day interactions with people?

3)With that ideal final 3 scenario of you/Hayden/Tammy, Do you mind breaking down which way the future jury would potentially vote?

4) Could you also give me a ranking of the rest of your tribe according to how high the priority is of getting rid of them?
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By Ozzy
#5959 1) It appears you're traveling a lot for work, which is in admissions. Is there any common trend emerging with the students you're seeing/interviewing this year?

Students are much more savvy about the process. They know what you want to hear so you have to figure out who's genuine and who's just playing the game. Very good experience for survivor honestly haha. They're still super focused on academics (which is okay but there's so much more than that).

2)How would you relate a game like that of Cirie's to the real world? Do you feel like your love of Survivor affects your day to day interactions with people?

I feel like I'm constantly logging interactions with friends and coworkers. I want to know who is close to who and how I can do what I want to do. It's more about finding the connections between people (and how strong the connections are) that's important in the day to day. The manipulation part really only applies to coworkers.

3)With that ideal final 3 scenario of you/Hayden/Tammy, Do you mind breaking down which way the future jury would potentially vote?

Rich votes Ozzy. No way he votes Tammy or Hayden.
Drew votes Hayden or Ozzy (pending bitterness).
Dan votes Ozzy? Or maybe Hayden- again pending bitterness.
Rocky votes Ozzy? Who knows what he'll do. But we got along and I would hope he respects game.
Val might vote Tammy but I could swing her with a convincing answer.
Nate votes Ozzy.

Sugar might vote myself or Hayden.
Heidi votes Tammy.
Penner votes Ozzy.
Sierra votes me or Hayden.

So that's... 6 votes Ozzy (at best). Hayden has 4 at best? And Tammy 2 at best. Overall worst case scenario is a 4-4 tie with Hayden and myself. Fuck Hayden might not be the best bet. It just depends on if people feel too burned or not. Again another reason Penner would be good against.

4) Could you also give me a ranking of the rest of your tribe according to how high the priority is of getting rid of them?

I think sugar is top priority. It keeps me in the middle of these two factions and would be an easy round for all of us.
Then it might be Hayden or Sierra. If this extra vote thing is real (and I believe it is... I think) then Tammy Heidi and I can oust Sierra at F5. I think the four of me Tammy Heidi and Penner should try to stick together. And then I would hope to take Tammy and Penner to the end. But I haven't thought that far.

Also this college fair I'm doing is so stop and go. So sorry for the lack of depth.
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By Ozzy
#5968 Ugh goddamnit. Every time I form a nice plan it gets fucked before I can start it.

Sierra/Hayden/Sugar/Penner are voting Heidi.
HeidiTammy are voting Sierra (I think? Unsure).

Best case scenario is a tie, but like that sucks. Penner doesn't want to budge because he's SO GODDAMN close to Hayden and Sugar. I wonder if he'd consider voting Sierra? But fuck why can't I have nice things!?

OTHER best case scenario is that Heidi wins immunity, Sugar already has a vote locked on her so the three are stuck voting only three on Tammy and then Heidi/Tammy/Ozzy plus this extra vote (again, is this real?) vote Sierra to knock her out. So might not be a bad option.

Or other scenario I get Penner to stop being a fuckwad and vote out Sierra.
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By Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:What's the logic in voting out Sierra?

It'd be a vote he MIGHT go for. He's banking on Hayden and Sugar taking him to finals and booting Sierra. So if we can boot Sierra now, maybe he'd go for it. Still weighing pros and cons, not a done deal that I'm gonna try. It might be okay having Heidi leave this way instead of me backstabbing her. But I'm just worried I don't have enough of a resume moving forward for a jury to vote for, so I want to make a move.
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By Ozzy
#5979 Okay so now I may have to choose Penner or Heidi. I wonder if this "flip Sierra on Penner" thing will work? I don't know that it will but it'll show good effort and keep Tammy/Heidi close to me. This is how I see things playing out...

Heidi messages Sierra about Penner being awful and wanting to flip on him. Sierra, having close ties to Hay and Sug, will ask her minions. They will say, "I don't think that's a good move just yet." And they will say that because they NEED Penner to boot Sierra later. So Sierra won't go along with the plan, but maybe tell Heidi "Yea sure that sounds fun!" and then keep her trio strong with Penner as a good fourth. If Heidi loses immunity, there's four votes on Heidi and potentially four votes on Penner, making it a tie. The revote, Heidi goes home because no more extra vote. If Heidi DOES win immunity, I would hope it's Tammy in that scenario instead. But could also be me.

SIDE NOTE- I'm currently talking to Heidi about how to work this round and I just have to say, I'm sad I flipped and voted Val. I really think that was the biggest mistake for me in the game and when/if I go home, that's where I'll point and say, "This is when it went downhill." But I'm happy Heidi and I are on the same page again. Should've stuck by the girl longer. END.

I'm also trying to look our for Penner here as he's a number for me, so hopefully it sounds more appealing to go after Hayden/Sugar instead of Penner, but who knows.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5986 Before the events start, you mind giving me an update to what's been going on in the tribe? Who have you been talking to? How do you think tonight is going to go down?
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By Ozzy
#5991 At my fair again so limited update.

Hayden Sierra Sugar Penner vote Heidi.
Heidi Tammy Ozzy (and extra vote) vote Hayden?
Sierra and Penner vote Heidi.
Ozzy and Tammy vote Hayden.
We go to rocks. And hope I don't get the bad rock.

Can I get confirmation on something here? Sugar won't be here tonight and her vote is locked. If we tie and revote, does her vote stick or does she not vote?
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