7th Place | 7th Juror | 4-4 Vote (Rocked)
By Jeff Probst
#3280 Please use this thread exclusively for your official votes. They should be in the following format;

Episode 01



-Make sure to put either the round number, day or date on them so we can distinguish between votes for this round and previous votes.

-You do not have to make a comment, but anything you write in your post is fair game to be revealed along with your vote. We won't say who said what, just the exact words, similar to a comment written on a voting parchment on the show. Comments are highly encouraged :)

-There is no penalty for not voting. You'll simply see one less vote appear at TC.

-If you think you are going to be absent for a voting period, you should leave a pre-vote. You are allowed pre-vote with one name only - no lists or alternatives.

-You can change your vote / comment as many times as you like up until the voting deadline. The deadlines will be clearly announced at the beginning of Tribal Council. As soon as that deadline hits, your vote is "locked in" and you cannot change it, so be certain it is what you want to do.
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Jeff Probst

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By Sierra
#3730 Episode 09


Sorry buddy, I had a lot of fun getting to know you at Saipan... if it is you, good luck to your Cubbies tomorrow.
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By Sierra
#4576 Episode 11


I'm sure you're not going home. You know why I'm doing this. Really enjoy you as a person, but game wise it hasn't been there between us very much, and this is just what we decided to do. No hard feelings JP.
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By Sierra
#4595 Episode 11


I'm sure you're not going home. I think you know why I'm doing this. Really enjoy you as a person, but game wise it hasn't been there between us very much, and this is just what we decided to do. No hard feelings JP.
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By Sierra
#4600 Please use that second vote lol, I got it off in time.
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By Sierra
#5428 Episode 13


There can only be one Queen of Indo, best of luck girl. <3 #Yali4Lyf
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By Sierra
#5825 Episode 14

N8 the GR8

:( Sorry...
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By Sierra
#5829 That's of course for Nate lol just in case I have to spell it out.
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By Sierra
#6929 Pre-vote for the winner:


I'm leaning towards you slightly right now, but this is very much up in the air and I'm only pre-voting because I'm being asked to, so please don't be pissed or take it too hard if I do change my mind! icon_razz FTC will decide everything for me.
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By Jeff Probst

You have until 7:00c/8:00e tomorrow to make your final vote or change your vote. good luck.
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Jeff Probst

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By Sierra
#7193 Oh man... this is hard... icon_sad I hate that I feel like my vote might decide this, but just looking at the math it seems like it could. I factored a lot into this decision and put as much thought into this pick as I would have if I was still in the game. So without further ado...



This wasn't easy. I think all three of you deserve it in your own right, and I know this vote will be very close. And it deserves to be. Like I said... I don't think there can be a bad outcome here, helluva season. Congrats.
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