6th Place | 8th Juror | 4-2 Vote
By Kelly Wigles
#6220 I'm gonna start this off simply, how do you feel after everything that just went down?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Sugar
#6274 well, not being here and all fucks my life a little no?

gross... I wanna puke, how's that?
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By Sugar
#6275 write this the fuck down........as the great philosopher Piper once said "Just when you think you know all the answers, I change the questions" sadly your extra vote BS just made this a thing, I'm grateful for the loyalty of my team, but am afraid of where it might lead
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By Sugar
#6276 also, Sugar's on late....cause Sugar had cocktails *smiley face*
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By Sugar
Kelly Wigles wrote:How was the concert?

really good, Lzzy Hale has one of the best voices in rock
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