6th Place | 8th Juror | 4-2 Vote
By Kelly Wigles
#6438 Hey Sugar, great game! Please give us your thoughts on how you played and any general words as you move over to the jury.
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Kelly Wigles

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By Sugar
#7181 So I've read the "Sugar Love" thread a few times now, and it just gets me. When I come back I always wonder why, and if I'll be able to hang. This game especially, I think it Suriname I was really support staff to Flicks. I was still doing the Sugar thing but my heart wasn't in it. This time losing her early really made me ramp up my game and see where it got me....not far, but that was more circumstance than anything I did.

After reading the thread again, I'm just taken blown away that people actually get it and that my approach to the game is actually a great one..."adaptability and likeability" that's my whole thing and it's really refreshing to know that people still respect what I've tried to do. Given a few different cards in this game I really feel like I could've gotten that illusive Stranded win.

It wasn't meant to be this time out and will I be back? who knows? If this was to be my last time out, I feel good about how it went down and it proved that my style is still very relevant. I truly am very blessed to be asked back and to be a friend to such a great person and such an excellent host. Playing this game as much as I have has been a great experience and I'm thankful to all the wonderful hosts who put this thing together and all of the wonderful people that I've been able to meet and play with. it's been an incredible journey and if I ever find out that somebody else has put their stamp on my Sugar....i'll be a little cheesed, but I hope that they have as much fun as I've had.

Thank you all for everything, this game has grown beyond what I could've ever imagined.
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