By Tammy
#6568 Final four! icon_wub I honestly can not believe that I've made it this far, that first weekend when I came in and couldn't even figure out how to send a message I thought I was done for. and now here I am, with a one in four chance at winning this whole thing. and honestly? I do think I have a chance to win this. I don't know how the jury feels about me. Based on their reactions at Tribal, they're not my biggest fans, but I feel like I've played a pretty smart and at times pretty badass game. At first I sat back and I figured things out. I convinced people of my loyalty to them while I figured out who they were really loyal to, and my instincts haven't failed me once here. and when it came time, I made my moves and I used those relationships and understanding of the dynamics to do it. I was part of the last pair standing, I've caused a rock draw, I worked Hayden to flip tonight, I've never had a vote cast against me and I've won more immunities than anyone else in this game. Whether I win or lose, I'm so proud of what I've accomplished here and to me it just proves that I've grown so much as a person and as a player since the last time I played.
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  • Kiribati Tribe
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By Kelly Wigles
#6628 Hey Tammy, how well have you gotten to know the members of the jury? What qualities do you think they would want to find someone to vote for?

What does it mean to you having made it to the final 4?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Tammy
#6633 omg I was looking for Tammy gifs and this is the only one I could find icon_lol


I wish I had found this for my back-to-back wins last night but if not and I win tonight I am totally posting it icon_laughing

I honestly don't know how my relationship with people on the jury is, I'd like to think that I bonded with some of them, but I think it's possible that they bonded better with other people as well. Right now though, I'm trying to just concern myself with making it through tonight. I need to win this challenge because I don't really trust that anyone else wants to bring me to the end, even Heidi I hope I've been able to convince them to, but having immunity will give them no choice.
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  • Kiribati Tribe
  • Posts: 357