6th Place | 8th Juror | 4-2 Vote
By Jeff Probst
#6905 Just a reminder to post your final speech/questions here ahead of time along with a prevote.

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Jeff Probst

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By Sugar
#6941 well, I'll keep this short and sweet cause that's how I roll!
Congrats to all of you and thanks for making this experience so much fun.
Heidi, good game, I hope you get out of it whatever it is that you wanted.
Hayden, you're a great person to chat with...it's a shame you decided you'd be better off here with the girls than with Penner and I...but I understand.
Tammy, In a different game you probably would have been my number one ally, I had a blast getting to know you and thanks for keeping this fun. Good Luck to you all! you're all awesome in your own way!!!
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By Sugar
#6942 My vote is for....

"us industry kids gotta stick together"
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  • Posts: 529